Week of Aug 21 - 2006 Half-Full Marathon Info/Training Thread

Lisa- to train for Goofy I'm doing back-to-back runs. I've scheduled my training runs to focus on the full so whatever I do for the full on Sun I do half on Sat.

This week I'm scheduled for 10 for Sunday so I'm doing 5 Saturday.

However, next week, I'm doing 11 on Sun and sticking with 5 for Sat. I'm only raising my Sat on even # Sun. I'm doing a 4 min run/1 min walk and hope to stay within 11-12 min pace as this is a pretty comfortable pace.

I hope to get in one 20+ miler as my final long training run.

My sunburn is finally fading. I went for a 2 mile wog with my 9 yo last night. It didn't hurt until I started sweating. OUCH!

Glad to see that others are thinking about their Disney running styles already. I'm going shopping this weekend to look for an extra pair of the shorts I like to run in. One for the half and one for the full. I've already got the shirts picked out.

Have a great day!
Hey everyone,

Yesterday I got a run/walk in while my son was at football practice. It's in a park with a track around it. I started easy since I really haven't done much since my race in April because of my injury. Boy did I loose a lot of my ability to run, lol! I thought I'd go out and run a quick mile. I had to stop a few times and walk. I guess I need to get on my treadmill and use the next few weeks to really work on building my running stamina back up. I want to work on speeding up my time too. My muscles are still sore from the FIRM tape I did on Wednesday. I also noticed that when I ran, the lactic acid built up quickly in my legs. From what I can remember, that goes away as your body adapts.

Cam- I have to do a double take when I read some of your posts. I read about the Buffet concert and thought, wait...........he was in Philly last night. Duh you live in Delaware! I bet you had a blast. We should do a long run together sometime this fall while training. We could meet somewhere half way. I don't live too far from Philly and I occasionally to Christiana Delaware.

I hope all the Floridians are ok this morning. I'm not sure how it affected the ones closer to Orlando.
Check me out! 4 miles in 59:55! :dancer: That's a 14:59 pace! :moped:
Weather here is fine, just cloudy and a bit gusty. Thanks for your concerns! How is it on your side, Lisa?
Just knocking on wood and crossing fingers that Katrina doesn't take a sharp right and come back this way. Unfortunately, once in the Gulf, she'll have to go somewhere, so :wizard: for the panhandle/AL area.

But Katrina definitely helped cool things down for this morning! It was a great wog (Lily, Cam...mind if I borrow your word?). I felt like I was working at it, but it was comfortable, just like Craig said :dog2:

Someone asked about a block of rooms...I looked into it awhile ago. You need at least 10 rooms and someone who's willing to be responsible for the overall contract. People can book into the block and pay individually, but the person that holds the contract would be responsible for any that don't pay. The rates were pretty good and you can get all at one resort, or a mix. At the time, most of us were DVC or had made other arrangements, so we didn't have 10 rooms. We've had so many people join us since then, there might be enough interest now to do it! If anyone wants to pursue it, PM me and I'll send the info via private email.

Gotta run! Time to pack for WDW! Will bring rain ponchos, just in case! :umbrella:
Mel - So glad to hear you're ok! COngrats on the awesome wog!!!! :banana: Have a GREAT weekend!

I'm hoping that Lisa is far enough north. :wizard:
Count me in on the outfit selected crew. Well, at least my shorts. I guess the shirts will depend on the weather that weekend. As the Penguin says, I will be bringing ALL my choices and make the determination at the time. So I will be taking multiple choices. :rolleyes:

I will be taking the illegal MP3 in the form of an iPod shuffle. I figure I can use it on the long part for the trek that Lisa has said is a bit desolate. Otherwise for the half, I did fine without one.

I'm not exactly settled on waist pack style yet. I have 3 choices, 1. an amphipod waist belt, 2. a small waist pack that will barely fit a water bottle, 3. the Dis lime green from the disboards shop. I carry my phone clipped to the outside band, and my camera looped through the belt too.

Minnie, be careful of the days before your long run and after to get the proper rest. The group I train with on Saturdays stresses to not do any extensive training before and after your long runs. You might want to be careful that you don't do too much so as to cause you injury or to cause you not to have that rest to make your longer run.

Lisa, I think there was supposed to be some sort of info about the back to back runs on the Hal Higdon site. I also think our NC team had posted up their web site plan for thier Goofy training, I just don't remember that link.

Krista, good going on the TM. I am proud of your dedication that you did THAT dreaded TM training. (I do not like TM training)

Good luck to Steve at the doc today.

Melanie, yes, it is amazing how quickly we can lose our training. However, you will regain it quickly. I seem to feel it goes back up more quickly the less time I am away. While you had to be off training for what seems like quite some time to you, I think you will make good progress. Good luck there.

disnutt, glad to hear the sunburn is not a problem. Did you make up your training schedule or did you find one programmed already for this Goofy thing?

Cam, glad your evening at the concert was great! Have a good weekend and see you back in no time.

ME, I am going to have a gerat training day! It is a rest day and "Friday Night Date Night" here. Whoo hoo for me! Longer run tomorrow, so I'm hoping it will significantly improve from this week's sad training.
Update on Stephen's knee (he just left the doctor's office) he has pre-runner's knee and the doctor said that he'll be fine and should be ready to start training for the marathon shortly. :cheer2: :cheer2: Dr. Farber (who is a runner too, that made Stephen happy because he knows what he's talking about) gave Stephen some anti-inflammatories and told him to take another week off, when he starts back running to start with low milage and to ice his knee after every run. He said if it still hurts after a couple of weeks to come back and he'd do a MRI, but he told Stephen that he can tell the knee is already starting to heal itself. :cheer2: :cheer2:

Krista princess:
plutosmyfav said:
I just did speed work with DS. It wasn't the most productive session. Its hard to run your fastest with your neck craned every which way but straight. He was on the bleachers, under the bleachers, behind the water fountain... I managed to get in 400X4 repeats with a total of 1.7 miles. Definitely not enough warm up for speed work. But its the first session I've done since July! I don't know how I'll get faster at this rate.

I was wondering about carrying water, too. I carry 2 24 oz bottles on my long run (one in my pack, one in my hand), one water, one gaterade. I've been wondering if I should do something similar for the race since your not supposed to change things on race day. But, OTH, come Oct, Nov, I definitely won't be needed so much water on my long runs here in Mass.

I have a question for you northerners. Does anyone else get "blood-drained" hands in the cold weather. I forgot about it until last night when I got just a touch of it. In the cold months (even with gloves) the blood drains completely from my fingers. My fingers are white and totally numb for about 10-20 minutes after the run. The blood and sensation comes back in splotches and my fingers are then bright white with bright red splotches. It looks so bizarre, and is quite uncomfortable. I haven't found anyone else who gets this.

Sunny, Not trying to diagnose you or anything but there is something called Raynauds Phenomenon. This condition causes the blood vessels in fingers to spasm when exposed to cold temps and blood flow is interrupted. It can also affect toes, ears and nose. I don't think it's serious, but can be painful or uncomfortable.
Krista - Glad to hear that your husband's knee is going to be ok! I went to see a dr. about a sports inj. question earlier this year, and i kept quizzing everyone to find our which dr.s in my clinic were runners so i could find the right one! i knew they would understand the inability to quit!!!

Sunny - my arms are jello today! we bought some rec. kayaks this week at our local outdoor store's sale. I got one with a big enough cockpit to put in a small seat for the boy. I took him out on the lake for a fun paddle/picnic. We saw deer and turtle and fish (yuck). anyway, the point of the story is... after loading the kayak on my car x2 and carrying it down to the lake and paddling around, my arms are JELLO. My IC, which we have already established is pretty laid back, did not inform me that we were actually doing upper body and low back work! I'll have to talk to her about that!

OK.. We are flying to MI to run the CRIM with dh's sister. We are probably just going to all run together. I'm counting it as my 10mile long run! I think I'm taking a camera on the course, just so I can get pictures of the guys who pass out beer at mile 3!

Have a great weekend all!
:wave2: OK...my name is on the long list of marathoners, but I have not been a good girl by checking in with you guys! :blush: I must say, this is one determined group!!! Good job! Lots of inspiration and learning!!!! :sunny: Now, I'm signed up for Goofy, but sadly, I'm still not 100% committed like most of you. Maybe that's "committed" if I decide to go for it!!! :rolleyes: Right now I'm focusing on the Chicago marathon in October. Then I'll decide if I'm "in" or not. Did a 21 miler today...all I can say is that's a long way!!! :rotfl:

Those of you that already have your outfits planned... :banana: ...I just know what I'm not going to wear. I usually pack about three choices. As for music, bring it if you want to, nobody cares. Last year I had my DH offer it to me when I passed by, but suprisingly, I never wanted it. :confused3

Just wanted to stop by, since it's been a long time!!!! Keep up the good work! :cheer2:

Krista - SO glad there is good news on Steven's knee. (And glad that you got him to go!)

MelR - Good luck on the Crim!!

sara - Good to see you back! If you can do 21 now, I'm sure you will be fine!
I think I have 30 seconds or so to check in... so...

Mel- good luck with the Crim. We're hoping for good weather for our event here at work tomorrow and it looks like we're going to get it. Hope things stay dry on the east side of the state.

Chimera- Great job!

Best of luck to everyone with their long runs tomorrow--- have fun!

I did my long run this morning- 5 miles (run 3 min/ walk 2 min) in 47:36, which is 9:31 pace :banana: :banana: :banana: I was very psyched afterward. I LOVE LOVE LOVE my new Garmin-- SO much better than the Timex I was using. I was very suprised by my pace. I am actually running and walking a lot faster than I thought I was-- it was a nice suprise.

Well, back to work for me-- Happy training everyone!

Solotraveler :earsboy:
Lisa loves Pooh said:
GOOFYs--what are you doing to prepare????? Taboo topic on Team in Training so there is no training plan for anyone considering it--and actually a discouragement from doing both events.
I have heard that TNT is discouraging this. Are you TNT? Well, Bree and I aren't so this is what we are doing. We are training for the Marathon up to 24 miles (actually we will run a marathon in Dec so I guess we are training to 26.2 :rolleyes: ). Here is what the saturday long runs look like. Start adding Friday long run where it has Fri:
8/27/05 - 8
9/3/05 (Labor Day) - 9
9/10/05 - 10
9/17/05 - 11
9/24/05 - 12 Fri - 6
10/1/05 - 10
10/8/05 - 14 Fri - 7
10/15/05 - 10
10/22/05 - 16 Fri - 8
10/29/05 - 10
11/5/05 - 18 Fri - 9
11/12/05 - 12
11/19/05 - 20 Fri - 10
11/26/05 - 12
12/3/05 we are running the Charlotte Marathon Fri - 11
12/10/05 - 12
12/17/05 - 24 Fri - 12
12/24/05 taper 12-15
12/31/05 taper 8-10
1/7/06 Marathon Goofy's Double!
The principle is fairly simple. Add one mile per week to your long run until you hit the 12 mile mark. Then run long every other week.
Once you pass that 12 mile long run, the "inbetween" 10 milers become "Tempo" runs, run them at marathon pace.
Long runs, not the "Tempo" runs, are run 1-1:30 mpm slower than you could run that day. If you had to.
What about the rest of the week? Depends on a lot of variables, like how much cross training you are doing. For most people 2-3 other runs during the week will fill the Minimum Effort bill.
Is this clear? Everything is onwww.tricharlotte.com and this may make it more clear (or is it clearer? :teacher: )

Krista - congrats on DHs Knee!

Did 14 today. Time was OK. 2 hours and 30 min. Oh well. I keep telling myself to go slower for the 1/2 so I will not die on the full. I think I will aim for 2:20. Normal 1/2 time is around 2:00 to 2:10 so this will get me there slower. May try for 7 tomorrow to start getting ready for the Goofy! Don't know though...I want to sleep in at least until 0800.

Christa princess:
Since I definitley want to somehow complete a long run tomorrow I decided to lay off and rest as planned today. My body's pretty sore so it was probably a good thing.

My plan is to complete 4 miles and then add an additional 1 on the end depending how I feel.

Good luck to everyone on their long runs this weekend!
Hi All,

I'll have to get back to catch up on everyone's progress. Just wanted to post my long run results quickly :)

I did a 20 miler!!!! :cool1: I ran from Bedford to Cambridge. I was really hurting by the end, but I stayed with an easy pace and it was manageable.

Here are my splits: (I know you're probably not interested in such fine details, but this Garmin thing is just too fun!!!!)

Mile Pace
1 10:47
2 10:42
3 10:57
4 10:59
5 10:59
6 11:01
7 10:41
8 12:29 (included water refilling, 'ade mixing)
9 10:15
10 10:19
11 10:37
12 10:38
13 11:41 (included crossing Mass Ave 38sec)
14 11:32
15 11:23
16 11:37 (included crossing Mass Ave 22sec)
17 11:07
18 12:19 (include .25mi walking)
19 10:47
20 10:41

Total Average Pace: 11:08

Wow Sunny! You're awesome! ANd consistent too!
Minnie! Hope the long run goes/went well!
Solo -Hang in there with that work schedule!

I did my 5 today. That's about al I can say. Off tot he cold tub and then teh in laws. Have a great weekend all!
gatorphipps said:
I have heard that TNT is discouraging this. Are you TNT? Well, Bree and I aren't so this is what we are doing. We are training for the Marathon up to 24 miles (actually we will run a marathon in Dec so I guess we are training to 26.2 :rolleyes: ). Here is what the saturday long runs look like. Start adding Friday long run where it has Fri:

Thanks for that--yes it is discouraged...one of our participants is doing it with a newbie--he has alumni who has been a team captain and a coach---so if I decide to be a renegade, I will have him help me--but I must decide pronto!

Not sure yet--I'm actually concerned to get in a lot of trouble since I am a team captain. :(

But if I end up committing to the half with them and then the full for a goofy---don't think they can really say much. But like I said--I fear to cause a ruckus....but it is being done by 2 on our team (who have all but told the staff to mind their own business especially since one of them has a degree in sports something or other and is quite knowledgable on the subject).

That being said--did 5:1's today---but forgot to stop my Garmin. So pace was 12:33 with a Garmin running more than it should for 3.15 miles...and then a 1.4 walk up/jog down/walk back to the top of the bridge (not over).
Lisa, can I ask why they're discouraging going Goofy? It just seems like if you did the 1/2 with them and completed it so you met your obligation, I don't know why anyone would care what you did on Sunday. Maybe you can't say without getting in trouble, but I'm genuinely curious. I thought about doing TNT, way back at the beginning of this quest but decided against it for a variety of reasons. If they're that restrictive, I guess I'm glad I didn't do it.
:cool1: I made it the entire 5 miles :cool1:

Okay I know it's not much to all the big :dog: out there but for me it was my first time in years managing that distance. I did run 3 walk 2 and my time was 1:01:23 or a 12:17 per mile overall pace. The first four miles were cake but that last mile was :earseek: I lost my pace big time over that last 1/2 mile so it was closer to 4 really good 12 min miles and the last 1 mile being probably closer to 12:30. That last 1/2 mile was really a gut check so to speak. But I made it the entire 5 miles :Pinkbounc

Question Time - Towards the end of that I had major problems with my right upper thigh area. I mean hurting so bad that I had to drop from a jog to a walk because of the pain. Any ideas as to what this could be? I stretched out that area really good after I got done and the pain is now gone but it hurt big time. I also had problems with my siatic (sp) nerve in the early stages, same side but in the well rear :blush: Would this affect it?

Thanks for all the help and support everyone. There is no way that I would have accomplished those 5 miles without knowing that I had to report back here :grouphug:
Minnie said:
:cool1: I made it the entire 5 miles

That is so awesome Minnie! Congrats! And a great pace to boot!

Is your pain your hip flexor? What ever it is make sure you get ice on it today to keep down the inflammation. I find my siatic pain and hip flexor pain go hand in hand. Lots of stretching today too.

Sunny, all I can say is WOW!

Christa, you are doing Charlotte marathon too?? What is that 4 or 5 weeks before Disney? That is awesome.

Solo, are you doing intervals for your 3 run/2 walk?? That is an amazing pace for 5 miles.

I did 7 miles yesterday for my long run it took me about 75 minutes, I felt pretty good at the end. I have been taking some protein powder after my long runs seems to help recovery.

Solotraveler-- how's the Gramin? Are you totally hooked yet ;) Sounds like it! You've inspired me to start speed work again.

Heather-- I know you'll find your 12:00 mile!!!

kdiana-- Welcome! Glad you joined us :)

Craig-- Oh I'm jealous! I'll be doing a half in October but it will be in NH. Have a blast. Black is good for Halloween ;)

Lily-- Sorry to hear you had a STONKER (yes, thanks Helen for the new word). I'm sure your next one will make up for it.

Minnie-- Hey your a big dog :) Good job! This will be my first, too. I'm bringing my mp3. Unfortunately I can't tolerate ear buds so I have to try to sneak full size ear phones. Hope I don't get yelled at!

Cam-- hope the performing arts is great and DS is ready for home!!!!

Tiffj-- Great job making your goal. That's awsome!

Krista-- Glad to hear Stephen's knee is not too injured. I'm glad he got a "running" doctor.

Mel (Chimera) WAY TO GO!!!! Congrats on the awsome pace increase. You go girl!!!!!

kdiana-- thanks for the info on the hands. I'll do some internet searching and see if that sounds like my problem. All diagnoses are welcome!!!!!

MelRhoads-- Aha! You do have an IC and she's a bit sneaky to boot!!!! Sounds like a great way to get jello arms-- very functional and a family outing. Sounds great! Good luck on the Crim!

Hi Sara, glad you stopped by.

Christa-- I see you are currently running longer LRs than your training schedule. I am, too. That's not a problem is it? Your info is very helpful. Thanks.

Carrie-- great job. Enjoy the inlaws :)

I took DS to the pool to soak my legs in the cold water. I never thought I'd love cold water so much!



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