Run, Write, Run (comments welcome!)

January 12: 10 mile long run - my longest run ever and on my birthday! 2:16:49, Time 13:40 /mi. My heart rate did go into zone 3 for ten minutes or so, I'm not sure why. Probably going up the big hill. It was nice to get the "longest run" PR on my birthday. :)
Nice birthday present! 🥳
3 Weeks to Princess Half Marathon

Wait, is that right? Three weeks? ACK. As I said in the Princess thread, I'm so excited and so scared. But mostly excited. I'm not pushing myself super hard on this race as I want to take it all in, but I still want to make a good effort.

(Ugh, I just typed up a whole bunch and somehow deleted it!)

January 24: 4 miles easy. Time: 55:53. avg pace 13:58 /mi.

January 25: was supposed to run this day but didn't. I think it was because I was feeling crampy.

January 26: 11 miles easy. Distance: 11.11 (was super proud of this, haha), Time: 2:33:50, avg pace 13:51 /mi. My notes say: "Quads started hurting around mile 7. Feet started hurting around mile 10. Switched to 15/30s around mile 9.5." It was hotter than usual and I had to switch my intervals to stay in zone 2. I ran a new route and it was a nice change of pace.

January 28: 3 mile easy run. Distance: 3.11 mi. Time: 42:53. avg pace: 13:47 /mi. I did the big hill and my heart rate didn't go up as much as it usually does.

January 29: HM tempo run. Distance: 4.02 mi. Time: 51:14. avg pace: 12:45 /mi.
1 mile easy, 2.5 miles HM pace (12:28), .5 miles easy.
I did a new route and it was a nice change of pace, but it took me uphill during the last .5 mile and it was not great, Bob.
I was faster than I should have been, which has been a common thread of these tempo runs. I keep trying to reign in but even when I feel like I'm holding back, I end up being faster than I should. Hopefully this bodes well for the race. :P


January 31: 3 miles easy. Distance: 3.12 mi. Time: 43:50. avg pace: 14:03 /mi. I also did the hill on this run and didn't go into zone 3 at all. It was colder again, so I'm sure that helped.

February 1: 3 miles easy. Distance: 3.09 mi. 41:40. avg pace: 13:29 /mi. This was mostly continuous (I did take a few walk breaks) with strides.

February 2: 8 miles M tempo. Distance: 8.00 mi. Time: 1:43:59. avg pace: 12:59 /mi.
This was, by far, my best and favorite run of this training plan. I felt so strong throughout, and I did a new route that was super nice and I'm definitely going to keep for my long runs. I ran down to a local park with sports fields about 2.5 miles down the main road (thankfully there are very nice sidewalks), and then did a few circles around the park. The baseball fields are at the "bottom" of the park furthest away from the main road, and the soccer fields up "top," with a playground and basketball courts in the middle. It was nice having some elevation change to keep from getting bored, haha.
My M pace is 13:21 and as you can see, I ran over 20 seconds faster than that. Oops. :P Again it was a case where I tried to slow down and thought I was, but my watch said differently. My last mile was 12:22, which is faster than HM pace, but it did not feel that way at all. It was colder again, so that probably helped. Also, despite my pace, I only went into zone 3 for 6:02. That was probably helped by having to stop several times to cross streets. I also stopped to fill up my water bottle three times.

February 4: 4 miles easy. Distance: 4.00 mi. Time: 54:35. avg pace: 13:38 /mi.
My left hamstring has been a bit tight, but it hasn't affected my running. Hopefully it will go away after stretching and icing.

This week is my peak week of HM training with 28.5 scheduled miles, and my longest run on Friday at 12 miles.

I feel like I've gotten faster this training cycle, but I also don't know if it's just the weather being colder. :P

I've been using Tailwind for fuel and it's been perfect for my last few long runs. I will probably carry an applesauce pouch with me just in case I feel hunger pangs during the race, but so far I haven't had any major issues since dialing back the amount of scoops. I've been doing 1 per every 40-45 minutes and it's been great.

I went to the US Olympic marathon trials yesterday and it was super fun and inspirational. They are so fast! I met up with @WillRunForPizza and her mom, and she has a good recap of the day in her journal.
Distance: 11.11 (was super proud of this, haha)
Love 11 11...11:11 is the best time on the (digital) clock. :)
but it took me uphill during the last .5 mile and it was not great, Bob.
I always hate going uphill at the end, but then I hate going uphill at the beginning, too. :)
February 2: 8 miles M tempo. Distance: 8.00 mi. Time: 1:43:59. avg pace: 12:59 /mi.
This was, by far, my best and favorite run of this training plan. I felt so strong throughout,
Sweet! You're getting the payoff of the training!
I feel like I've gotten faster this training cycle, but I also don't know if it's just the weather being colder.
Probably some of both, but you've been good with your training so it's got to be a lot due to the training.

Good luck with your longest run and peak week!
16 Days Until Princess Half Marathon

Today was my last long run (and my longest run ever), so I figured I'd update.

February 5: HM tempo run. 4.51 miles, 57:33, avg pace 12:46.
I did part of the HM miles going uphill, and I was on the struggle bus. But I still hit my paces.

February 7: 4 mile easy run. 57:21, avg pace 14:20.
I did this on the treadmill because it is always harder for me mentally and I wanted to push myself. I did this run continuous with strides during the last mile. I watched RunSota's video from last year's Princess Half.

February 8: 4 mile easy run. 56:10, avg pace 14:00.
Also did this on the treadmill. Finished watching RunSota's Princess video and started watching his marathon video. I did this mostly continuous with a few walking breaks in the last two miles.

February: 12 mile long run. 12.08 miles, 2:45:58, avg pace 13:44.
I fueled with Tailwind and filled my water bottle three times. I paused my watch at crosswalks but not while filling my water and was able to make up the time on those miles. I'm sure character stops will slow me down more, but I'm okay with that. :)
The good news is I finished this run. The bad news is my legs were killing me when it was over. I keep reminding myself I'll be fresher before the race. But I DID finish and my last mile was my fastest one, so yay? This is also reiterating that I NEED to start lifting if I want to do the marathon next year, but I'll worry about that after Springtime Surprise.
In any case, I'm proud that I did all my miles this week and finished this run relatively strong. I feel confident about the race and really, really excited!

Thanks again to @DopeyBadger for a great training plan. :)
16 Days Until Princess Half Marathon

Today was my last long run (and my longest run ever),

I read this, and then read the description of your 4.51-mile tempo run, and thought, if 4.5 miles is her longest run ever, she's in for a rough HM!

Then I kept reading, and realized that I am a moron.

It sounds like you've put in a lot of work, are over the biggest hurdles, and are ready to taper down and hit the starting line healthy and strong. CONGRATULATIONS and have an amazing race!! Can't wait to read the recap. :)
The good news is I finished this run. The bad news is my legs were killing me when it was over. I keep reminding myself I'll be fresher before the race. But I DID finish and my last mile was my fastest one, so yay?
Great job! 🎇

Focus on the positive. You finished!
6 days until the Princess Half Marathon
Well, I am ready, and I am sick. LOL. Of course I am. Thankfully, it's just allergies, which always bloom at this time of year for me. (It was really great a few years ago to constantly play the "is it covid or allergies" game?) But I would really like my sinuses to clear up by race day. 🤞

February 11: I had a run on my schedule but didn't do it. I don't know why? My in-laws were in town and we were at their house so that's probably why.

February 12: HM tempo run. My last one of this cycle.
.5 miles easy, 3.5 miles HM pace (12:28), .5 miles easy.
I finished the run thinking "how am I supposed to run 13.1 miles at that pace?" But I have read that is a common reaction so I'm trusting the training and the taper. (Also character stops and castle picture stops!) I mostly hit my paces which I was glad about since it was 70 degrees when I started, bleh. (Thankfully that was a short heat wave and Princess should be colder.) I was very glad when this was done, lol.

February 14: 3 mile easy run.
3.05 miles, 41:14, avg pace 13:31.

February 15: 3 mile easy run.
Did this on the treadmill.
3.1 miles, 44:00, avg pace 14:12.
Watched a YouTube video from the Disney marathon to motivate myself.

February 16: 4.5 mile M tempo (13:21)
4.6 miles, 58:35, avg pace 12:44.
Too fast. Oops. I started out going downhill and felt like I was flying. I definitely slowed down when it was time to come back uphill, lol.

February 18: 4 mile easy run.
Only did 2.5 miles because it was super wet outside and I was worried about slipping on leaves covering the sidewalks, and also the aforementioned allergies.
2.51 miles, 33:35 miles, avg pace 13:21.

The rest of the week calls for 3 miles easy on Wednesday, 2 miles easy on Thursday, and 2 miles easy on Friday. Hopefully I can do all of them, but I'm not going to push myself.

I'll be at the expo on Thursday afternoon and the parks on Friday and Saturday, so I'll definitely be moving around one way or another this week.

In other news: I requested a charity bib for the 2025 Disney marathon.

Finn from The Force Awakens saying Are we really doing this?
I finished the run thinking "how am I supposed to run 13.1 miles at that pace?" But I have read that is a common reaction so I'm trusting the training and the taper.
Yeah, common reaction. You've been training really well, so trust in that. The excitement of race day will probably give you a boost, too - just don't zoom out of the gate too fast.

Good luck!
Well, I did it. Not as fast as I wanted, but nowhere close to being cut off and I had so much fun. I can't wait to do it again.

I'll recap the week leading up to the race, first. I did 3 miles on Wednesday February 21. Went on the treadmill since I was still under the weather and needed tissues. I think I had a cold rather than allergies, but nothing ever bothered me other than my sinuses, so I'm grateful for small favors. I made it through the whole 3 miles and other than the cold, I felt good. I had two miles scheduled for Thursday and did that outside. Ran mostly continuous with some strides in the second mile. It felt really good and my cold was mostly gone.

I went to the expo that afternoon with two friends, one of them was my running partner for the race. I usually go to the expo on the second day and it was way more crowded than I was used to. But it was lots of fun and I finally got to meet M for the first time in person. Also hung out with my friend R (she was supposed to run the 10k but got injured).

Me with the 13.1 numbers at the expo

Friday I went to Magic Kingdom with my son and we met up with M and her family. Her son is my son's age and it was really sweet seeing them play together. I spent most of the day there and was solo parenting until my husband could get off work. Thankfully my son was in an agreeable, happy mood that day. :D We did Philharmagic (his first time), Speedway, Buzz, Laugh Floor, Festival of Fantasy (his first time), Tiki Room, Haunted Mansion (his first time that he remembers), and Barnstormer. He went on Barnstormer about 1.5 years ago and cringed the entire time, but cheered when we got off. Since then, he's refused to go on it. I finally convinced him to try it again. We got the front row and he happily screamed the entire time. Success!!! I want a little roller coaster buddy so bad. :D After that, my husband and in-laws arrived and my FIL took my son on Dumbo and Teacups (I can't do spinning rides). After that, my in-laws took my son on Small World while my husband and I went to eat. When they were done it was just about 7 so we went to the hub to stake out a spot for fireworks. The weather was great all day, and of course as soon as we staked out a spot it started raining. Thankfully it wasn't too heavy and fireworks still happened. My son fell asleep halfway through. :D But he liked what he saw, at least. After the show, we headed out and it started POURING. My all got soaked with the exception of my son who was safely under the rain shield like a bubble boy. He stayed asleep all the way to the car, fell back asleep as soon as he was in his car seat, and did NOT want to get out when we got home. Somehow we wrangled him into his PJs and into bed. Then he passed out again. I envied him. :D I was supposed to two miles that day, but 17k steps at MK felt like a decent enough substitution. :P

Ride photo from Buzz Lightyear Space Ranger Spin

My son waiting for fireworks. He's enclosed in a rain shield over his stroller and playing with his iPad.

Saturday I spent the day getting all my stuff ready for the half. My in-laws took my son to their house around 4 and he stayed there overnight so I could sleep. My husband also went so I had the bed all to myself. :D I was in such a bad mood from nerves, having been sick, and not really running much that week. I got in bed around 7 and fell asleep around 8. Alarms were set starting at 2 am. I woke up a few times but managed a solid 5+ hours.

A flat me. My cat is playing with my visor.

Next post, the race!
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Well, I did it. Not as fast as I wanted, but nowhere close to being cut off and I had so much fun. I can't wait to do it again.

I'll recap the week leading up to the race, first. I did 3 miles on Wednesday February 21. Went on the treadmill since I was still under the weather and needed tissues. I think I had a cold rather than allergies, but nothing ever bothered me other than my sinuses, so I'm grateful for small favors. I made it through the whole 3 miles and other than the cold, I felt good. I had two miles scheduled for Thursday and did that outside. Ran mostly continuous with some strides in the second mile. It felt really good and my cold was mostly gone.

I went to the expo that afternoon with two friends, one of them was my running partner for the race. I usually go to the expo on the second day and it was way more crowded than I was used to. But it was lots of fun and I finally got to meet M for the first time in person. Also hung out with my friend R (she was supposed to run the 10k but got injured).

Friday I went to Magic Kingdom with my son and we met up with M and her family. Her son is my son's age and it was really sweet seeing them play together. I spent most of the day there and was solo parenting until my husband could get off work. Thankfully my son was in an agreeable, happy mood that day. :D We did Philharmagic (his first time), Speedway, Buzz, Laugh Floor, Festival of Fantasy (his first time), Tiki Room, Haunted Mansion (his first time that he remembers), and Barnstormer. He went on Barnstormer about 1.5 years ago and cringed the entire time, but cheered when we got off. Since then, he's refused to go on it. I finally convinced him to try it again. We got the front row and he happily screamed the entire time. Success!!! I want a little roller coaster buddy so bad. :D After that, my husband and in-laws arrived and my FIL took my son on Dumbo and Teacups (I can't do spinning rides). After that, my in-laws took my son on Small World while my husband and I went to eat. When they were done it was just about 7 so we went to the hub to stake out a spot for fireworks. The weather was great all day, and of course as soon as we staked out a spot it started raining. Thankfully it wasn't too heavy and fireworks still happened. My son fell asleep halfway through. :D But he liked what he saw, at least. After the show, we headed out and it started POURING. My all got soaked with the exception of my son who was safely under the rain shield like a bubble boy. He stayed asleep all the way to the car, fell back asleep as soon as he was in his car seat, and did NOT want to get out when we got home. Somehow we wrangled him into his PJs and into bed. Then he passed out again. I envied him. :D I was supposed to two miles that day, but 17k steps at MK felt like a decent enough substitution. :P

Saturday I spent the day getting all my stuff ready for the half. My in-laws took my son to their house around 4 and he stayed there overnight so I could sleep. My husband also went so I had the bed all to myself. :D I was in such a bad mood from nerves, having been sick, and not really running much that week. I got in bed around 7 and fell asleep around 8. Alarms were set starting at 2 am. I woke up a few times but managed a solid 5+ hours.

Next post, the race!
So fun!! How old is your son? (I have my own experiences with coaxing kids onto rides I know they'll love; it can be so rewarding!)
So fun!! How old is your son? (I have my own experiences with coaxing kids onto rides I know they'll love; it can be so rewarding!)
He's 4! He used to have no issues with rides but around the time he turned 3 he started getting a little scared. But he's starting to get over that, I think. For "big" rides he's done Star Tours, Rise, Smuggler's Run, Slinky Dog, Big Thunder, and Splash (so glad I got him on it once before it closed!). I've shown him videos of Tower of Terror and Everest and he says he wants to do them, so we'll see! Not sure if he's tall enough for Everest yet (he was 42 inches at his last doctor visit) but he'll probably hit that sometime year.
2024 Princess Half Marathon

Alarms went off and I was ready to go. (Well, kind of. You can only be so much ready at 2 am.) I had gotten most of my stuff ready the night before so all I had to do was shower and get dressed. Toasted my bagel while I was in the shower. Left the house around 2:45 and picked up M at AOA around 3:15. I got turned around coming out of AOA and ended up in Hollywood Studios, but finally got into Epcot a little after 3:30. There was a long line for security but it went quickly. Hit the bathrooms and said hi to another friend who was running that morning. She was aiming to get back under 2 hours, and she did it! I was so happy for her. We headed to D corral and I spotted another friend and her family, so we quickly said hi. We settled into the corral and then I went to the bathroom again. We were right on the railing and were right next to the start chute so we had a good view of everything.


When we finally started moving to the start chute we somehow ended up at the back of the corral, but it ended up not being a big deal. I snuck out the back of the start chute for one last bathroom break. I wasn't feeling that nervous and my stomach wasn't bothering me like it usually does with nerves, so I thought I was going to be okay during the race. Narrator voice: she wasn't. 😬

We were at the very front of our wave which was really cool to have a clear view of the start line. According to my photos, we started around 5:50.


I had several goals for this race, none of which had to do with time:
1. Character stop (I've never done one before)
2. Selfies with all the mile markers
3. Castle photo
4. Jump photo
5. Drum with the Jammitors (who weren't on course, womp womp)

The first character stop was Friends from Princess and the Frog, and it was Louis! Since Tiana was the race "mascot," and there were only a few people in line, we decided to stop. Goal one accomplished and it barely set us back!


After the first mile we got into a groove. We walked up a lot of the ramp to get onto World Drive. I had Tailwind in my water bottle and planned to refill every other water stop, which was a little bit after mile 3. Mile 3 was our best mile at 12:24. We had a lot of space to run on World Drive and didn't stop for anything. That was right at my HM pace and I was hoping we could keep it up while we were on the highways. (Narrator: they didn't. :P )

We slowed down a bit heading into the MK parking lot, and stopped to get a pic of Rey.


Mile 4 was a little slower with the water stop and pics. Then we also stopped at the porta potties after the TTC, so mile 5 was a lot longer, oops. I didn't have to go but M did, so I took advantage. We were still well under 16 minute average pace which was all I cared about.

We hit the mile 5 marker on main street and I got tears in my eyes. We ran all the way down Main Street and stopped for a quick selfie before heading into Tomorrowland.


I pointed out all the photopass people (watching videos of the races really helps!) and we stopped for a castle pic. We also did a jump pic, so that's three goals checked off the list! Even with those stops, we were only a little under 16 minutes for that park mile. I was still feeling really good and so happy. I was worried about crowding but we actually got to run through the castle, and it was everything I imagined.

Since we were dressed as Luke and Leia, we tried to do Star Wars poses.






We got people in our ramp and castle pics, but thankfully they're easily cropped. Also, that jump picture might be my favorite ever. <3

I think I hit the photo limit, so I'll continue in the next post!
Princess Half Marathon (con't)

We left Magic Kingdom and I was still feeling good. I refilled my water bottle at the next stop. Cone alley is definitely my least favorite part of the course. It's crowded and narrow and nowhere near as interesting as Magic Kingdom. :D I don't mind running outside the parks but I much prefer it on World Drive where it's wide open!

Around this time is when my stomach started bothering me. I'd gone to the bathroom before MK so I thought I would be good for the rest of the race. But I had to pull off near the construction around Shades of Green for a one-off porta potty (thank GOD it was there). I was really frustrated because I've used Tailwind in training runs and had no major issues. I've been wracking my brain trying to figure out why my I had such a problem. I usually don't eat much before running because I go almost immediately after I get up. If I do eat, it's an applesauce pouch or something really light, especially before my long runs where I'm drinking Tailwind. So I think my stomach did not appreciate having a bagel and two applesauce pouches before the race as well as my fuel. Also, I think I refilled my Tailwind too early/didn't have enough water in my bottle to dilute it. Finally, while I wore my race shorts on a training run, I never wore them during interval training, and I think the compression really bothered my stomach while trying to run fast.

After that stop, we slowed down a ton and I drank plain water to try to calm my stomach. Thankfully it eventually got under control, but I wasn't able to run as fast as I would have liked. At once point I was wondering if I could even finish, though, so I'm REALLY grateful it got better.

The cloverleaf to get back on Epcot Center Drive wasn't that terrible incline wise, but the camber sucked. We tried to stay in the grass as much as possible. There were two more inclines before getting back into Epcot which was RUDE. By then we could see the other runners coming down World Drive and there was no sign of the Balloon Ladies so I felt really confident. We passed a DJ who was playing "All I Want For Christmas Is You" and it made us laugh really hard, so mission accomplished, DJ!

While heading into Epcot we passed all the spectators and all the cars leaving Epcot were honking at us, haha. I spotted a funny sign that said "Run like the cops are chasing you!" I looked closer and noticed it had hash browns on it, and then I realized I recognized the guy holding it as someone I follow on Instagram. He'd posted a reel from the marathon where he went on a ton of rides and ate a ton of snacks, and almost got arrested for going off course to pick up a mobile order from McDonald's. :D I yelled "hey, are you the guy with the hash browns??" and he said yeah! I wish I had that reputation. :D

We headed through the backstage area of Epcot and after hitting mile 12, we were pretty much in some sort of runner's high. I took a video for my friend R of the back side of Living With the Land (her favorite ride), to which she responded "even better than the back side of water!" Once inside Epcot, we stopped for a photo at Spaceship Earth with the classic Luke and Leia pose.


I was so bummed I didn't see the Jammitors but I was so happy to be almost done I didn't care. The choir was singing "Almost There" which made me so emotional. We stopped for our final selfie at Mile 13 and ran to the finish line. I got really choked up once I started hearing the announcers and couldn't believe we actually did it. I never thought I could run a half marathon, and now I can't wait to do it again.



My husband, son, and in-laws were at the finish line but they didn't see me and I didn't see them. More reasons I need to do it again! :D We met up at the reunion area and we got finisher pics.


Then my husband, M, and I started the long trek to the car. It was not fun, but I was glad to be moving. I went to my friend R's room and used her shower, then we headed to Hollywood Studios to meet back up with M and her family. I tried to hydrate and eat enough to not get sick, even though I was still feeling slightly off. Thankfully, I didn't get a migraine like I have after previous races, so at least I have that under control! :P We had a fun day at Hollywood Studios, and I ended up with 50k steps for the day, a new record. I also took some medal pics around Batuu. <3



According to Garmin, I ran 13.46 miles in 3:15:34. My moving time was 3:00:13, which was my overall time goal, so despite not being able to run that fast in the second half due to my stomach, I still feel really good about the results. I got my HM PR and longest run achievements, too!

Yesterday I went to MK by myself in the morning for some more medal pics, then met up with R and another friend at HS for lunch. Today I am back at work and my legs are still sore but finally starting to feel normal again. And I can't wait to get back out for another run!




I want to thank @DopeyBadger for a great training plan. Although I had issues during the race, it was nothing I couldn't overcome and the distance didn't feel daunting at all. I can't wait for my next race... which is Springtime Surprise in less than 8 weeks. :D


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