JaxTeach's Wedding & Honeymoon TR: 6/11 Day 1 Honeymoon Added!

As I was reading about your nephew I kept thinking of my niece. I can totally see her doing that!! Kids will be kids :)

The pictures are beautiful! I'm loving the TR!
Enjoying your trip report so far..... you looked great! Little ones always add a little excitement to a wedding -things to remember. sounds like everything went
pretty well (hair can always be an issue). Looking forward to reading more. Congrats too!
Thank you! Yes, my niece and nephew certainly made our day a little less stressful! My nephew was hilarious at our reception.

Congratulations! Your wedding pictures look so beautiful!
Thank you so much! I looked through your PJ a bit... good luck planning your HSM wedding, I love that idea!! DH and I are big HSM fans!

HI Jaclyn :)

I just got finished reading your TR so far.

Firstly sorry to hear your back is playing up, hope you feel better soon.

I thought Anna did a great job and you looked lovely - LOVE the blue crinolin, fabulous idea!!! Your bouquet was so pretty. OMG I saw in your little montage as well your amazing pink blouse for the Honeymoon Shoot LOVE IT!!

The Grooms cake looked lovely they really did a great job!

Can't wait to hear about your honeymoon too as well as the rest of the recaps.

Best regards
Thank you! I, as well as the rest of my family, were extremely pleased with everything Disney did for us on our wedding day.

More gorgeous photos! Looks like you all did a fabulous job!
Sorry it was a bit warm....I suppose it is better than rain, though!

I'm definitely glad it was slightly warm instead of the regular Florida heat and humidity.


the pic of your nephew is hilarious. he'll look at that in 20 years and roll his eyes! i love kids, they're spontaneity is so funny!
Absolutely! My nephew is my little buddy... I felt awful that he wasn't able to walk with me! He's used to being right next to me at Disney so I guess it just wasn't making sense to him.


Oh, Jaclyn! Everything looked so perfect. You looked gorgeous! I love the blue crinoline -- that is so individual and I am so happy everything came together so beautifully! Congratulations! :hug: Can't wait to see more!
Thank you! We couldn't be happier with how everything on our wedding day turned out!
You have a wonderful writing style! I can't wait to read more!
Thanks! I'm attempting to put some more together while [DH is] watching the Super Bowl.

Great TR and Pics!! Can't wait to hear more. I am especially interested to hear all about Paris!
I can't wait to get to Paris! I'm working on it...thanks for reading so far!
Hi Jaclyn!

Loving your TR so far! I'm sorry that you didn't love your hair/makeup that day, but you looked beautiful! And you flower girl is so cute! I love how her dress matched yours. Can't wait to hear more!
Thank you! Her dress was initially purchased to match my 1st dress, but she loved it b/c it looks like Belle's dress (to her at least) so I let her keep it.

I am enjoying your TR and can't wait to read about DLP. I was in Paris last year but I didn't get a chance to go. The pictures are great especially the one of you walking down the stairs with your crinnie showing!
Thank you! DLP was how I lured DH to Paris for our honeymoon. :rotfl: He is definitely the bigger Disney fanatic in the relationship. We're already working on a trip to Tokyo, but it will be a while before that happens.

Jaclyn I am a Jaclyn too! You looked so beautiful and I absolutely loved your bouquet and color choices!
I've met a couple of Jaclyn's here on the DIS-- not a common name! Thank you for reading. I LOVED my bouquet. I, unfortunately, did not have it preserved. It's in bad shape right now, but I can't stand throwing it out just yet. Whimsical Wey did a fantastic job, I think.
As I was reading about your nephew I kept thinking of my niece. I can totally see her doing that!! Kids will be kids :)

The pictures are beautiful! I'm loving the TR!
I told DH that the pics of my nephew crying and running up the aisle are my absolute favorite. He was just being himself, wedding or no wedding. :laughing: Unfortunately being comforted by my mom destroyed his Mickey bout I had made for him... oh well, at least he felt better!

I'm working on some more while the Super Bowl is on my TV. Hopefully it will be posted tonight!
We saw a wedding at SBP the day you got married but I went back and looked at my pics and it wasn't you :sad: Congrats on your wedding though.
We saw a wedding at SBP the day you got married but I went back and looked at my pics and it wasn't you :sad: Congrats on your wedding though.

Thank you! I know there was at least 1 wedding before our's at SBP that day.

Okay so I didn't get anything done last night, but without further adieu my TR continues...

December 14, 2007 con’t: Post Ceremony Pics
Immediately following the ceremony we started taking photos with Randy. We took several at SBP with our family and friends. From there, Dan and I took our limo to Wilderness Lodge. We chose WL because it is so beautiful at Christmas time! From the WL we went to the Grand Floridian. We took several photos inside and then out on the beach. We had several litle girls staring at us and a few asking if I was a princess. It was funny and I just smiled and said “hi” to them. From there we headed to the Contemporary to our reception at the California Grill Sonoma Room.

Below are a few of our favorite pics from SBP, WL, and the GF.

SBP & Boardwalk Pics



Us with My Parents

Us with DH's Parents

Our "Wedding Party"

Us with our friends from NYC

Me & My Brother

Me & Summer

Me & Tommy



Wilderness Lodge Pics



Randy discovered my blue crinoline here...
More Pics...

Grand Floridian Pics






I didn't have my shoes on here so DH actually looks taller than me... lol


What was happening while we were taking pictures:
My brother gave Tommy & Summer War Heads immediately following the ceremony. Summer's dress was destroyed by the end of the night with various stains, including blue War Head stains.





For anyone who may be curious in the future, this is the "mini-bus". We were given this option since we had a small group. It was about $100 less and we got it for 5 hours instead of 4.


Coming up... CG reception, DP, more photo shoots, and DLP!!
your niece and nephew are ADORABLE :cutie: . i love that samantha's tongue is matching her blue ribbons in one pic! didn't she have a blue crinnie too? randy does such a good job! your pictures look amazing! keep writing! keep writing!

ps-how's your back feeling?
I love all the pictures by the Christmas trees!! I kind of wish I was getting married around Christmas now :)
your niece and nephew are ADORABLE :cutie: . i love that samantha's tongue is matching her blue ribbons in one pic! didn't she have a blue crinnie too? randy does such a good job! your pictures look amazing! keep writing! keep writing!

ps-how's your back feeling?

Yes! She did have a blue crinnie, I saw a pic of it as I was going through them earlier... I'll have to post it later. As I look at our pics again, Randy really does do a great job.

I wish I had better news to report about my back. I feel better, but I'm still in pain. I end up looking like Quasimodo by lunch time at school! I have 2 bulging/herniated/slipped/just plain messed up disks in my lower back... it just takes A LOT of time to feel better. I feel awful for DH, but he's been so sweet to me since this happened. :love:

I love all the pictures by the Christmas trees!! I kind of wish I was getting married around Christmas now :)

That was my number 1 motivation for having our wedding in December. WDW is just that more magical with all the Christmas decorations up!
Sorry your back is still acting up.

Love all the photos, the ones at the GF Beach are gorgeous.

I am so glad we have Randy booked for our son's party...and it starts with a shoot at the GF!

Looking forward to morew.

December 14, 2007 Con’t: Reception
Our reception was set to begin at 5:00pm. All of our guests (I assume) arrived at that time. I asked by BFF Kristina and her boyfriend to go with the florists to decorate the room for us. We had an Escape wedding so it was all on us. Dan and I were with Randy until right around 5:30pm taking photos. This actually worked out well because we did sort of have an “entrance” since our guests were all there.

One of my favorite photos... too bad the top of my brother's Mickey ears is cut off!

My cousin, Becki


So the limo driver drove Dan and I from the GF to the Contemporary when we finished with our photos. Randy followed. We arrived at the CR and went to the 2nd floor to “check in” at the CG desk. When we got there (in full wedding gear, mind you) the CM’s were like “Oh we need to make sure the room is available.” I kept saying “I think it’s ready, our guests arrived at 5:00pm.” After it was confirmed that we were indeed having our reception there… we were escorted up to the 15th floor. Randy wasn’t with us at this point. DH and I made our way to the Sonoma Room. My brother saw us coming and announced we were coming in, so everyone stood up clapping for us. It was really nice.

Our Entrance

The first thing I notice is how lovely it smelled! Our table set up was this: black linens, floating candle cylinder surrounded by a ivory/lavender rose floral ring, 3 votives surrounding the floral ring, navy/lavender/silver Mickey punches, and lavender rose petals scattered on the table. Ok, I’m a Yankee Candle fiend. It’s a sickness!! So I bought Yankee Candle votives for our guest tables and that room smelled so WONDERFUL! I am so glad I bought the slightly more expensive votives because it really made the atmosphere just that much better.

Some pictures of the room setup



Excuse DH's face here!

Cake Table



So we arrive and I want food! I swore I was going to eat and enjoy my wedding food. Luckily the fantastic server CMs at the CG had saved Dan and I some of the appetizers. We only had 1 since we had SO much food… it was a potato cake. I can’t even describe how delictable these were! We each had 3, but I asked if there were anymore… there wasn’t, our guests were big fans too!

Randy arrived a little after we did and began snapping candid photos of the fam. Soon after Randy’s arrival, it was time to get ready for Wishes! Randy had suggested that Dan and I go to the front catwalk and then down 1 level. So we instructed our guests to go to the back catwalk (which had no one on it) and we headed to the front. Once we got there, we discovered the front was not the place to be as there was an obstructed view. Luckily Dan and I had visited the CG in September and knew the landing below the back catwalk had a great view so we told Randy and headed over there. Let me tell you, going up & down stairs with heals and 2 poofy crinolines is a challenge! I’m surprised I’m not laying in traction with a full body cast right now!

Wishes! Photos

So we did our Wishes! Photos and I was thrilled! I don’t look like it in the photos, but I was. It was my 30th birthday and I was watching my favorite fireworks show with my new husband on our wedding day—it doesn’t get better than that.

We came back inside after Wishes! and Randy took a few more pics. I had him take some fake cake cutting pics. After that Randy left so we could eat. I didn’t have Randy stay for that because that’s all we were doing—eating . No dancing or anything like that.


I have to say that the staff at the CG is wonderful. They were so pleasant to every single person in that room. Every person’s glass remained full. They were timely with getting each course out. They were personable but not overly chatty—I just can’t say enough about them. My father, who is a bit of a… well he served in the Navy for 20+ years… he’s particular about how things get done, he still talks about how wonderful the CG was to us. He paid for the reception, so I’m glad he thinks he got his money’s worth!

For our meal, we had a salad (which I honestly don’t remember), soup (I believe it was a winter squash soup—I can’t remember for sure), sorbet (passion fruit—I wasn’t thrilled with that, but it was ok), grouper, chicken, and beef with a variety of veggies. Our guests had “hand passed” platters, which was fine since it was mostly family. The CG made DH and I individual plates with some of everything. Everything was unbelievably good! Unfortunately at this time I began to have some pains… I hate being trashy, but Iknew I had to take something off or I would be uncomfortable for the rest of the night. I whispered to my cousin to come with me to the bathroom to assist. We took off my 2 crinolines and discovered my hoop skirt was the cause of my pain. Luckily I was able to keep the regular crinoline off. I returned to dinner and was able to finish my meal, yay!

Once we finished the meal, it was time for our specialty dessert. I saw another bride had a Figment dessert made and I HAD to have it. The CMs asked if we were ready and I said bring it on! I was so excited to see our desserts and for our guests to have some fun! DH says that his parents still talk about the dessert—it was one of their favorite things from the wedding.


After our Figment dessert, it was time for cake. I was so sad for my beautiful Mickeys and snowflakes to be thrown out. Our bottom layer was chocolate cake/peanut butter cup and the top was almond cake/ amaretto mousse. I asked the CMs to give DH and I a slice of each to share. I thought the choco/pb cup was to die for!

Our pretty cake

Our poor cake!

Tommy & his Rice Krispy Sushi (sorry we didn't get a good pic of the food!)

After cake time I started to get anxious because our planner said we would have to pack up all of our stuff before heading out for the DP. I started telling my dad we needed to wrap things up and get to packing. The super wonderful CG CMs overheard me talking and said “No, no, we will do it for you. We will leave all of your things on the table and you can get them tomorrow.” Huh??!? How awesome was that? I was all ready to get to cleaning in my wedding gown, but they stepped up and said they would take care of everything for us. They did NOT have to do that, so that made me even happier with the CG staff! We took a few important things and left the rest behind.

A few other things to note from our reception… as I said it was my 30th birthday. Shortly after Randy arrived at the beginning, my mother does God knows what to get everyone’s attention (I can’t remember). She tells everyone that 30 years ago today she gave birth to me and asks everyone to sing “Happy Birthday” to me. I was so embarassed, but in a good way. It was nice of my mom to remember my birthday amidst everything else.

Me, embarassed, while everyone sings "Happy Birthday"

I’ve said my nephew, Tommy, was a hit at the reception. He was the entertainment for our “friends” table. Our 4 friends who flew down from NYC had a blast with him. I made the kids t-shirts to wear during dinner so they woulnd’t get food on their clothes. Tommy’s had Buzz Lightyear (his hero) on it. I guess he was telling our friends all about Buzz and doing “To infinity.. and beyond!” for them and running circles around the table. He also was doing this strange thing he does where he is a “kitty.” He likes to crawl around, meowing, pretending to be a kitty. So he became known as Buzz Kitty to our friends. It was hilarious.

"Buzz Kitty" & Summer Bug in their T-shirts

We really enjoyed our reception because it didn’t feel rushed. We had time to eat and still socialize with each of our 3 tables. Again, I cannot say enough about the CG staff. Just wonderful. I would definitely recommend the CG to anyone wanting a smallish reception (especially Escape brides). Yes, it is sort of pricey, but you definitely get one of the best meals available on Disney property for the price and impeccable service!

After finishing up it was time to head out to our mini-bus and on to our Dessert Party. The strangest thing happened in the Contemporary Lobby. I was almost out the door and this grown woman comes running up to me. She was not American, but I’m not sure where she was from. She had sort of a Scandanavian accent. Anyways, she asks if I was married at WDW and if she could get a photo with me. How odd! I said absolutely and am now part of someone’s vacation memories! LOL!

In the lobby before becoming part of the Scandanavian's vacation memories...

With that, we left for Epcot.

Up next…. DP, Disney photo sessions, family day at Disney, DLP!
great updates jaclyn. now i have to ask about your dress pain...i had the same things under my dress (from the same ebay seller as you did i think) is THIS the reason that you are still in pain? i was DYING on my wedding day from that dress/undergarments...

anyway, your niece/nephew never fail to disappoint, they are just so cute. it's so nice that they'll be able to remember your very special day!

we had the choco/pb mousse for our top layer and it was so good. i'm actually craving some now...

what is the figment desert made out of?
No, the crinoline pain is not the reason for my current condition. I've irritated an old injury from "boogie boarding" in the Outer Banks of NC a few years ago (what a strange injury, I know!). However, that hoop skirt was something else! I was fine until our reception and then I felt like I couldn't breath! It was quite painful, but the pain ended as soon as the hoop skirt was removed!

I'm not 100% about the Figment dessert. It's based on a Beauty & the Beast dessert. The rose was white chocolate and the filling was white chocolate mousse. I'm not sure of the flavors of the syrups, but they were all fruity. The paintbrush was chocolate. Everyone had fun using their paint brush and the syrups to paint Figment! I wish we had pictures of how everyone painted their Figment.
Everything so far sounds wonderful and looks fantastic. I really like the shots of the CG and wishes is my favorite too. The figment desserts look so fun! Looking forward to reading more.... How many people total attended your reception? The room looked pretty full. again congrats on a beautiful wedding day- looking forward to hearing about the DP
I'm only on page 2 but i gotta comment before i forget! ;)

I actually think that it's only Disney that freaks out about two brides seeing each other. We all know how many weddings Disney hosts and harbor no illusions of being the only bride that day...:rotfl:

I totally agree!!! I saw another bride in the lobby of the BW and was really excited to see another beautiful bride sharing our wedding day! :bride:

Also, I LOVE the blue crinnie Jaclyn!! I didnt realize you'd made it so dark, it matched your sash perfectly!
We took off my 2 crinolines and discovered my hoop skirt was the cause of my pain. Luckily I was able to keep the regular crinoline off.

My hoop skirt kept getting twisted in my crinnie. Then the crinnie would fall down. DF's aunt had to pull it up for me 3 or 4 times.

Everything looked amazing!!! I love the shots of wishes from the CG. I've seen them from Ohana (which by the way Rob hates the singing lady too... luckily she didnt bother us either) but never from CG.
My Bouquet provided by Whimsical Wey

I love your bouquet. I am thinking about using one very similar to that with red roses, but not as many crystals. I really love the style and plan on taking this picture of yours to the Florist when I have my first appointment (far away) to see if they can make something like that. Is it alright with you if I do?
Love the picture of your brother and nephew wearing the ears! Your reception looks fabulous.....the cake, flowers, candles, everything... I think I will "borrow" the idea of giving the kids t-shirts to put over their clothes.


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