Never Going to Disney Again - Cancer in the Time of COVID-19


Earning My Ears
Jan 15, 2020
COVID-19 sucks. All of us had something we were looking forward to that we can no longer do, and worse, some of us have loved ones who are no longer with us. My heart breaks for all of you.

I want to vent about what I’ve lost to people I know will understand, loyal Disney fans. My mother in law is a life-long Disney fan. Her house is filled with art of Figment, and every morning she makes coffee in one of her many Disney mugs. She carries the magic with her everywhere and she is such a bright light in my life.

Earlier this year she was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. She had fought off cancer before, and had complications with chemo that made her life miserable for months. We celebrated when she beat it, only to be knocked down a year later. Because of the struggles she had with previous chemo, she chose to not pursue it this time. With the drugs she currently is on, she was given 2 years in February, and will likely be housebound in 2021. We made a list of all the things we wanted to do before then and booked several trips- including 2 weeks in WDW and her first Disney Cruise.

Enter Coronavirus.

Our first trip was supposed to happen in May, and will almost certainly be cancelled. Fortunately I saw the closures coming and we booked a back-up date in August, and kept our September dates and September cruise. Because of her disease, I really don’t know if we’ll be able to go on any of these trips. She’s simply too high risk. She is going to die without being able to visit her favorite place with her family one last time.

This has honestly caused me just as much distress as the virus itself. She deserves so much better than this, everything feels so unfair. I’m grieving the loss of these trips like she’s already died. I don’t know how to make myself or her feel better about this situation because honestly I’m not sure it’s possible to. I’m crushed and devastated, and all I can hope for is a miracle.
Do you think that your brave Mother in law, may want to go ahead with the planned trips to WDW and/or the cruise, even if she risked shortening her life? She may want to. Those special times with you may be worth more to her than a longer life in pain, bed bound etc. This is just a thought but perhaps something worth exploring with her.

I am so sorry for what you are all going through.
Do you think that your brave Mother in law, may want to go ahead with the planned trips to WDW and/or the cruise, even if she risked shortening her life? She may want to. Those special times with you may be worth more to her than a longer life in pain, bed bound etc. This is just a thought but perhaps something worth exploring with her.

I am so sorry for what you are all going through.

Yeah, it’s something that we plan to discuss closer to the dates we’d leave when we’ll have a better idea of where things are- both with her and the virus. As morbid as it is, she’s dying anyway, so it might be worth it to give her that last bit of happiness. I’d just hate for the rest of us to have Disney ruined for us if something did go sour
Hi, Sugarshock. (neat screen name :thumbsup2 )

I'm sorry to hear about your mother-in-law and her illness. But keep in mind, you said it below.......

I don’t know how to make myself or her feel better
all I can hope for is a miracle.

And this is what will help you, Sugarshock, and her also, travel her journey.

She carries the magic with her everywhere and she is such a bright light in my life.

Don't be overly surprised if you are with her in Disney World next year. Wishing you and your mother-in-law the best. Prayers are with you both.
I know the differences are great. I just wanted to share a story about my Father in Law, such a gem of a man. 💕

My mother in law had passed early, sadly, and he never re-married, and we took him on all vacations, back then it was Disney Cruises. Boy did he love it, like as much as my Kids, I think we had done 7 Prior, thr man Just loved cruising on Disney.

Anyhow, he was quite into his dementia, and still at home with my sister In law, and my children were NONNO HAS TO COME, so of course we all went, NONNO too!! We took connecting cabins, and yes it was stressful, he had left the cabin in his Pj’s at midnight, and I had to go get him, he was confused.
We knew we would never get to travel together again, but he/we had great moments.
We came back exhausted, lol, but the memories, and to see him so happy, he loved it, it was worth it. ❤️

For many reasons, I’m so glad we pushed through and did it, he fell about a month later at Home, broke his hip, he was never able to return home, we could not, nobody in the family that is, provide the care he needed.

We lost him seven weeks after losing my daughter in 2017. Thankfully he never “knew” she had passed, he no Longer knew our names.

It is a personal choice, I just wanted to share. I hope and pray for your family, you sound like such a caring person, and daughter In law.
Your post makes my heart break! My family too is supposed to be there in 2 weeks May2-10. I have faith we'll get there again. I am praying for your family right now that you are able to do this!!!!
I am so sorry. If I were in your mother's shoes, with less than 2 years to live and being pretty ill during the second year, and faced with the risk of traveling in the age of Covid to take that last treasured trip to my favorite place with my family, I would probably go. So if she chooses that, I hope you'll respect it and go with her. But if she'd rather not, then perhaps you can still enjoy Disney movies at home with her as a family now and then, and keep the magic alive that way.
Do you think that your brave Mother in law, may want to go ahead with the planned trips to WDW and/or the cruise, even if she risked shortening her life? She may want to. Those special times with you may be worth more to her than a longer life in pain, bed bound etc. This is just a thought but perhaps something worth exploring with her.

I am so sorry for what you are all going through.
I totally agree with this, our son was so sick during his wish trip but the time we had together and the smiles made it so worth it. When we got back he would show the nurses pics from Disney and us at the beach and he would smile again.
Sending you all the love and hugs in the world, sweetheart. I lost my husband to cancer in November 2014. We had reservations to stay at OKW for a week in December 2014. We all thought he would beat it easily, and then in early October it became clear it wasn't going to happen. It's the most awful, helpless feeling to watch someone you love go through that. I'm glad you felt comfortable enough to come here to talk about it, and I hope it brings you some peace of mind.

Hang onto every moment you can get, and NEVER let go of hope. Praying that you will able able to visit her favorite place again, with her.
I am so sorry for what your family is going through. I can honestly say I have an idea of what you are feeling. We lost my father in law to esophageal cancer in February and I am fighting pancreatic cancer and was given 9 to 11 months on average to live. I am 44 and we will be celebrating our 20th anniversary with our 14 year old son in Disney World in August. It's the one thing that I wanted to do before I die. I mean sure there are a lot of things that I wish I could have done yet with my life but realistically one last amazing Disney World trip with my family and that memory to take with me is my final wish (this will only be my 5th trip in my life). If your mother in law is like me, she might want to have that last memory as well.
I am so sorry for what your family is going through. I can honestly say I have an idea of what you are feeling. We lost my father in law to esophageal cancer in February and I am fighting pancreatic cancer and was given 9 to 11 months on average to live. I am 44 and we will be celebrating our 20th anniversary with our 14 year old son in Disney World in August. It's the one thing that I wanted to do before I die. I mean sure there are a lot of things that I wish I could have done yet with my life but realistically one last amazing Disney World trip with my family and that memory to take with me is my final wish (this will only be my 5th trip in my life). If your mother in law is like me, she might want to have that last memory as well.

Hi Infogoddess,

I hope that you are still focused on your plans and the celebration of your anniversary.

I am so very sorry that you are dealing with pancreatic cancer. I hope that it is a peaceful trip, filled with as much fun and happiness as possible for all of you.

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Yeah, it’s something that we plan to discuss closer to the dates we’d leave when we’ll have a better idea of where things are- both with her and the virus. As morbid as it is, she’s dying anyway, so it might be worth it to give her that last bit of happiness.

I am sorry that you all are going through so much SugarShock.

Wanted to add that everyone has their own thoughts but I have a lot of wonderful memories of trips with loved ones who were palliative, including WDW.

And a lot of people that thought we were nuts to make such plans. And cautioned us not to go, at times very strongly.

And there were some difficult decisions and challenges.

But I am relieved we all pushed through and went. And I look back at each trip so thankful for the time and memories.

The best advice I can give is if you decide to go, then that's that let it all go in that minute. Not a minute more of intense worry. Letting go of any what ifs and just simply enjoy. Precious time and memories.
I am so sorry for what your family is going through. I can honestly say I have an idea of what you are feeling. We lost my father in law to esophageal cancer in February and I am fighting pancreatic cancer and was given 9 to 11 months on average to live. I am 44 and we will be celebrating our 20th anniversary with our 14 year old son in Disney World in August. It's the one thing that I wanted to do before I die. I mean sure there are a lot of things that I wish I could have done yet with my life but realistically one last amazing Disney World trip with my family and that memory to take with me is my final wish (this will only be my 5th trip in my life). If your mother in law is like me, she might want to have that last memory as well.
Wishing you well, Infogoddess. Hoping you are doing better than some weeks back. Only a few more weeks to go until your trip in August. Keeping you and your family in my prayers. A well deserved wish of joy for your 20th anniversary and a birthday wish for your son's 14th birthday. God bless.
Thank you all so much for all your kind words and support ❤️ I’m happy to say we’re officially going to the parks in August AND September! We also booked a cruise for the end of January. I’m hopeful all will go off without a hitch, we’ll be extra careful with touching our faces and washing our hands as much as we can, hopefully everyone else will be doing the same.
Getting those coveted park reservations and knowing we WILL get to have some fun and smile together again is the best feeling in the world.
we’re officially going to the parks in August AND September!
Woahhhhhhh!!!! How nice is that!!!!!!! :earsgirl: :earsboy: :tink:
We also booked a cruise for the end of January.
:sail: :boat:

Thank you all so much for all your kind words and support ❤ I’m happy to say we’re officially going to the parks in August AND September! We also booked a cruise for the end of January. I’m hopeful all will go off without a hitch, we’ll be extra careful with touching our faces and washing our hands as much as we can, hopefully everyone else will be doing the same.
Getting those coveted park reservations and knowing we WILL get to have some fun and smile together again is the best feeling in the world.
Now you are cooking, Sugarshock!! Sounds good to me. You guys have wonderful trip and cruise. Best wishes.
Thank you all so much for all your kind words and support ❤ I’m happy to say we’re officially going to the parks in August AND September! We also booked a cruise for the end of January. I’m hopeful all will go off without a hitch, we’ll be extra careful with touching our faces and washing our hands as much as we can, hopefully everyone else will be doing the same.
Getting those coveted park reservations and knowing we WILL get to have some fun and smile together again is the best feeling in the world.

That is wonderful. I’m so glad to read of your upcoming trips, 🌈❤️


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