Jenn and Que- Disney Dream Cruise wedding - October 2016

I officially booked our hotel room today, so all I have left to check off on that list is buying the plane tickets! I'm still working on getting more points first. Everything is being purchased with the card right now so I can get the flights for free :dogdance: (Look at how happy that bear is!)

My next big thang is welcome bags. I know some people are on the fence about them and I've heard some brides say they are a waste of time. I have ALSO heard that many DCL Brides liked doing them because hey, there's not much else we gotta worry about right? And I want to craft, dammit!:cutie: So here's what we're thinking of putting in the bags:

- Backpacks for the guys/Totes for the dolls
- A cute little welcome letter/directory/info page that I have loosely based on Bridget B's own version. (Shout out to you for the inspiration!)
- Cups (not sure how or if we are decorating them yet)
- Lanyard and ID pocket for their cash and KTTW card
- Little medipac for hangovers or seasickness or boo boos (wut up, Mickey Bandaids!)
- Cigars for guys and pashminas for dolls (not sure if I want turquoise or blue...we're still working out our "official" wedding colors
- Pirate night goodies: maybe an eye patch and a temporary tattoo. lots of glowsticks.
- box of movie candy for the movies!
- suction hooks for wet suits n stuff

So yeah, everything is gonna be used at least once, so I won't feel bad if they toss it later. The bags are going to have a graphic on them too...I can't wait to make these so you all can see them! I'm gonna try to keep everything secret from the guests. I haven't told anybody about my PJ so I think it'll be fine.
Just heard back from Valerie and we can do bar service at our reception! SO MUCH GOOD NEWS FOR THESE LUCKY GUESTS! :rainbow:
Ah! Just started reading! I can't tell you how exciting it is to have some one so close to my date! PS, totally taking the bar service idea. I think everyone that is going to book is and our average age is 46 with many of my guest in the 60s. :confused3

I love that you already have the dress, it is amazing on you. And that you are doing welcome gifts, I can't wait to see it all together.

Did you mention if you wanted to get married on the ship or on the island, and if you are using the ship, where?
Did you mention if you wanted to get married on the ship or on the island, and if you are using the ship, where?

We are going to do the ceremony on the deck of the ship. I knew I didn't want to do it on Castaway Cay day, since we wanted to relax on the beach, and originally I thought our group was going to be bigger and we'd have to do it in Outlook. It's a nice surprise to have a smaller group that will fit on the deck!
I love your ideas for the welcome bags!
I went the similar route with adding things that everyone will use at least once.
But I didn't think of adding a box of movie candy! So, I might be adding that to our box as well! :-)
Thanks! I am really into the possibility of seeing a movie on the ship before it gets to theaters, so the candy is there to convince people to come with me! lol
Love your ideas for the welcome bags! I'm planing to do them for my guests too. I think if you put the right kind of things in them, guests really appreciate them and feel VIP! =) I love the ideas you mentioned. I have been brainstorming what I'm going to include in mine too.. I love idea of movie candy!! I also really like the idea of the pashminas -- I could have used one of those on my last cruise in the evening! I think the lanyard and pocket is a great idea too - something that will be totally useful on the ship - but no one would think to get themselves. The pirate goodies is a great idea too! I was totally inspired by Bridget B's newsletter/agenda too! I'm going to work on something like that for my group too! I would love to see yours when you finish it!!
I officially booked our hotel room today, so all I have left to check off on that list is buying the plane tickets! I'm still working on getting more points first. Everything is being purchased with the card right now so I can get the flights for free :dogdance: (Look at how happy that bear is!)

My next big thang is welcome bags. I know some people are on the fence about them and I've heard some brides say they are a waste of time. I have ALSO heard that many DCL Brides liked doing them because hey, there's not much else we gotta worry about right? And I want to craft, dammit!:cutie: So here's what we're thinking of putting in the bags:

- Backpacks for the guys/Totes for the dolls
- A cute little welcome letter/directory/info page that I have loosely based on Bridget B's own version. (Shout out to you for the inspiration!)
- Cups (not sure how or if we are decorating them yet)
- Lanyard and ID pocket for their cash and KTTW card
- Little medipac for hangovers or seasickness or boo boos (wut up, Mickey Bandaids!)
- Cigars for guys and pashminas for dolls (not sure if I want turquoise or blue...we're still working out our "official" wedding colors
- Pirate night goodies: maybe an eye patch and a temporary tattoo. lots of glowsticks.
- box of movie candy for the movies!
- suction hooks for wet suits n stuff

So yeah, everything is gonna be used at least once, so I won't feel bad if they toss it later. The bags are going to have a graphic on them too...I can't wait to make these so you all can see them! I'm gonna try to keep everything secret from the guests. I haven't told anybody about my PJ so I think it'll be fine.

I can totally vouch for the fact that the favors are so worth it I did SO many I think about twenty and the biggest hit was my newsletter and phone card, the lanyards and tumbler cups, magnets and the soaps so I would definitely go all out it helps pass the time and is super fun! Can't wait to see what you come up with :goodvibes
oh my goodness how the time has flown!! The navigator app is currently showing 88 days, 12 hours and some change to go, and so much has happened!

We lost a few guests--one being my friend and her photography husband. She is pregnant and will be past the 24 week mark when we board! It was bittersweet news, because I was really looking forward to having them there (and he was going to photograph the wedding!), but I'm very happy for them. My cousins also aren't able to go, but my Grampa and my aunt swapped with them, so I'll still have some family there. :rainbow:

I was kind of freaking out about the photos--I really didn't want to use Shutters, and everything else was waaaayyy more than we'd budgeted. I asked facebook, the disboards...thought maybe another cruiser could just stop by for an hour or two to shoot our photos...I was frantic. Collette Mruk stepped in to help us out and I'm over the moon!! She's done great work on a few other cruises, so I know we are in good hands. My dad told me he'd pay for it as a gift to us, so that made my day even better!! What a rollercoaster of emotions.

Besides the photos, we've also gotten closer and closer to filling out the packet. I believe we have everything we need to turn it in, but i'm hanging on just in case anything changes last min. I still have just under a month to do it!

Another big item: I bought Que's wedding band!!! He loves it. He was looking at a really cool wood/titanium ring on Etsy, but I was really concerned about fit. I brought him to a jewelry store the other day to try on rings, see if he liked anything there, but really just to go through the process cuz it's fun! :flower:Well, he found a winner, lemme tell ya!! He was a bit shy at first, but once he got into the swing, we realized that the selection there was pretty good. He narrowed it down to three, then two...and finally his number one: a matte black band with tiny black diamonds going around the center. It's amazing!:love:

I'm really glad he found one he loved--and it's way more beautiful than his original choice:rolleyes1 It should be arriving within the next two weeks---I'm on pins and needles until I get the call!

Other than that, everything is working out, picking music and starting to work on these gift bags! Hoping they will keep me busy until the wedding--otherwise i'll go crazy!:jumping1:

We booked special stuff for the cruise!!!

So, because of the wedding we got concierge booking--that was a fun little afternoon! I didn't really even plan it out, but like, the day after it opened up, I asked my fiance and my dad about cabanas and were they interested etc etc. Turns out it wasn't a hard sell, and they were still available!

So at like, 5pm, when I should have been leaving work on a Friday, I went in an reserved so many great goodies!
- Two cabanas for all of our guests (this is going to be an AMAZING choice now that my Grampa is coming, he'll like this)
- Remy Champagne Brunch for me and the new hubby
- Parasailing or a cabana massage on CC day (i think we're going to go with parasailing!!)

Also, since we are now down to a wedding party of 14, we can reserve the Palo room for our wedding dinner! My mom was like, "don't do it, it won't be worth it" b/c she's just thinking 'food is good all over the ship,' but we're going to do it anyway! For one, who wouldn't want to do a private dinner for their wedding guests on the night of?? Also, we're not doing a rehearsal dinner or anything like that, so Que and I really want to make this trip special, darnit! haha.

Real talk--it's super great that the people who are coming can make it. I understand that asking people to go on a cruise for your wedding is kind of cray, but I am just so happy that this is looking to be such an amazing trip. If I want to spoil my guests, that's my choice! lol.
Holy Moly I knew I'd forget something....



Aren't they adorable!!! i love them so thing i've bought so far!
Holy Moly I knew I'd forget something....



Aren't they adorable!!! i love them so thing i've bought so far!

Awww I love those shoes so much! I actually almost go tthem for my wedding shoes as well, but then I found my dream Betsey Johnson flats on sale and got those instead.
Okay, we are really into the swing of things! I feel like every weekend is a new fun thing. Also, it's crazy that August is almost over! It's been a month since my last post, so let me see if I can recap what's been going on:

Que got his suit and is almost finished with his outfit! We just need to get him a shirt. He looks like James Bond, it's so great. Looks a lot like this but a bit more dark teal and with black pants and an ivory tie:

I had my dress fitting yesterday and I still love my dress! "They say" -- whoever they is-- that you should get your dress at like, the 6 or 7 month mark, which I did, but honestly that was so early! I was kind of afraid I wasn't going to like it anymore or want a newer style or something...well that was all nonsense, of course I loved my dress. We didn't take any pictures, which in hindsight is really silly...but there will be plenty of pics to come on the day :lovestruc

I am no closer to finding a veil...the ones I tried on yesterday just didn't really speak to me, and when we went to joann's fabric to find netting to make one, they didn't have any that I cared that's still on the list.

I sent in my packet, and should head back with a final itinerary in the next two weeks. It's really crazy to think that a year ago, we first got it, and have been thinking about all those details for 365 days and now here we are, finalizing our choices and sending it all in! Wow does time fly...
Cake Topper!! It's done! And it's the most marvelous cake topper in all the land!

I love everything about it. It's seriously my favorite thing ever. So much work went into making it and it means so much to both of us! We are still thinking about tweaking the piece that they're standing on--maybe putting on some rivets to make it really look like a space ship. And I need to find a box to put it in, but it's done!
:rainbow::rainbow::rainbow::rainbow::rainbow: :rainbow::rainbow::rainbow:
Holy Toledo how I ADORE your cake topper!!!!

Thank you so much! We went through two versions of wall-e and eve figurines, and my mom had to custom make the top hat out of clay b/c we couldn't find one that was's so great to see them finally done :love::love:
I'm so late to this, but - OMG your cake topper! It's exactly what I have pictured for my wedding cake! My boyfriend (yeah, we're not even officially engaged yet, but we've talked a lot about it) LOVES Wall-E, and would love to have something like this!


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