Are fireworks the best from the Skyliner?! An April 24 Trip Report - last update 6/10!

Day 2, evening - Disney Springs/Summer House on the Lake

My grumpiness seemed to continue a bit all day! DH wanted to go to Disney Springs to check out the Pele Soccer shop. I wanted him to have some sort of plan for where to eat or at least have him know where the store was. He decided on Polite Pig which I was ok with, but after Satu'li feeling a bit hectic at lunch I wasn't super keen on a QS for dinner. We got to the bus stop around 5:15, and had to wait 20 minutes for a bus, we must have just missed one.

HOWEVER, once we got to the soccer store I saw it was right across from Summer House on the Lake and thought I'd just ask if they might have a table for us. It turns out they do keep some for walk ups, so once DH bought his jersey we were sat right away at a pretty good table in the front room next to the front patio. Only complaint is the AC was on high and blowing right at us. We rearranged our seats a bit and it was better.

Once I had this in front of me, all was well. Summer House Rose.


I really liked the decor in here, the little lamps were adorable and the napkins, salt and pepper shakers and everything just looked really nice and fresh. It was full, but still pretty quiet and relaxing.

DD really liked the kids menu, it had a ton of choices and a lot of good activities too. She needed the down time to just do some colouring and activities again. She was not feeling "it" when we got to DS, but this and a Shirley Temple turned it around. I wasn't expecting a full on kids activity menu like this here, so it was a welcome surprise.


She chose Mason's Breakfast for Dinner: silver dollar pancakes, sausage and fruit with maple syrup. She was super happy with this and ate nearly all of it.

It seems like dinner was really her fave meal on this trip, not eating a lot throughout the day, and then making up for it at dinner. So maybe the calmer setting of TS restaurants helped her as well.

I had the "famous" herbed chicken breast palliard with arugula salad, lemon and calabrian chili. It looked super plain, but was so delish! Everything was well salted, the lemon juice made everything fresh tasting, and the calabrian chili was just a subtle heat at the end of every bite. Would definitely recommend this for a lighter tasting meal.


DH had a beer, I think it was the 'daytime'. And the picnic fried chicken basket: boneless white meat, slaw, hickory barbecue sauce, french fries. He was surprised by the huge pieces of chicken, and loved the BBQ sauce, but the chicken was a tad dry. But it was otherwise exactly what he wanted, some fried chicken that was not too heavy or greasy!

Sadly again we were too full for dessert, and the cookie area was pretty busy so we didn't even look. We really need to work on our dessert snacking before our next trip, hah.

We all thoroughly enjoyed this meal and would go back again! It came to approx $120 with the 3 meals and 3 drinks (DH had two beer).

We wandered around a little bit and went into a few stores, including quite a bit of time in the Coca-Cola store, DH wanted to bring back something for his coke-obsessed coworker.

I loved the Luca movie!!

We had the intention of going to the Lego store, but as we were walking by the bus path we decided to just head back to the hotel! DD was hoping she'd still have time to swim. Unfortunately we had two detours for me and DD to use the washroom (she had to go right when we were at the front of the bus line!) and we had to wait quite a while for the bus (talked to a lovely mother and daughter though where the daughter had ran the race that day), so by the time we made it back to the hotel it was after 9 and we all just tucked into bed and put on Ratatouille for a bit to fall asleep to. I was glad the night turned around in the end, a good meal always helps!

Next installment will be our morning at Epcot! I hope to get that written tomorrow.
You had an excellent day at Animal Kingdom! I’ve really grown to love Animal Kingdom (and I agree - Joe Rohde is a genius!).

I love that your daughter loved Everest! It’s one of my top Disney rides. My daughter really wants to try it to see the yeti but is also a little afraid of roller coasters… so we’ll see! She’s also very close to the height requirement (just at or maybe a bit over?) so we’ll have to see if she makes the cut in the first place.

I hadn’t planned on telling my daughter M about the Wilderness Explorers… but now I’m torn! There’s nothing as awesome as collecting stickers (plus M is a big fan of Up). Is there a central place to sign up or are there several throughout the park? Also, speaking of Up, hooray for crossing paths with Kevin!

I’m also very excited to try Satu’li Canteen! Pandora wasn’t open yet during my last trip so everything will be new to me. Thank you for the reminder to get the adult rather than the kid’s bowl as I really want the sauce.

Yours is the first DIS review I’ve read for Summer House on the Lake! My daughter would’ve been right with yours on the dinner choice - pancakes are always a winner. Your dinner looks quite good although it’s too bad you missed out on the cookies.
What an excellent AK day! Yours is definitely more the approach I’d want to take rather than what our experience turned out to be—have plenty of time for exploring and enjoying the theming! I think next time we will need to do Wilderness Explorers for our DD. Looks like yours had tons of fun with it!

Also seems like a good night at DS once you all got some food! Somehow I’d never heard of Summer House but your review is making me keep it in mind for whenever we go back!
You had an excellent day at Animal Kingdom! I’ve really grown to love Animal Kingdom (and I agree - Joe Rohde is a genius!).

I love that your daughter loved Everest! It’s one of my top Disney rides. My daughter really wants to try it to see the yeti but is also a little afraid of roller coasters… so we’ll see! She’s also very close to the height requirement (just at or maybe a bit over?) so we’ll have to see if she makes the cut in the first place.

I hadn’t planned on telling my daughter M about the Wilderness Explorers… but now I’m torn! There’s nothing as awesome as collecting stickers (plus M is a big fan of Up). Is there a central place to sign up or are there several throughout the park? Also, speaking of Up, hooray for crossing paths with Kevin!

I’m also very excited to try Satu’li Canteen! Pandora wasn’t open yet during my last trip so everything will be new to me. Thank you for the reminder to get the adult rather than the kid’s bowl as I really want the sauce.

Yours is the first DIS review I’ve read for Summer House on the Lake! My daughter would’ve been right with yours on the dinner choice - pancakes are always a winner. Your dinner looks quite good although it’s too bad you missed out on the cookies.
Good luck with your daughter on Everest! Just maybe don't make it her first roller coaster and you'll be good.

Maybe keep the wilderness explorer book idea in your back pocket, I found it kept DD going when she started to get a bit bored or tired and persuaded her to go on the animal trails rather than rides, and she did love the trails!
What an excellent AK day! Yours is definitely more the approach I’d want to take rather than what our experience turned out to be—have plenty of time for exploring and enjoying the theming! I think next time we will need to do Wilderness Explorers for our DD. Looks like yours had tons of fun with it!

Also seems like a good night at DS once you all got some food! Somehow I’d never heard of Summer House but your review is making me keep it in mind for whenever we go back!
It was a very good day at AK! And there was still a lot for us to return for another day.

Yes! It turned around, it was a good dinner and was better for kids that I expected, so I would recommend it!
Day 3 - Epcot morning

This morning we were heading to Epcot! We were skipping Genie+ since we had rode Frozen Ever After the night we were in Epcot, so I thought it'd be smooth sailing hitting Remy 1st and then getting to Test Track. I was up early enough to get a good VQ time for Cosmic Rewind and we left the room fairly early and arrived at the Skyliner line at 7:50. Sadly it was a very busy morning at the Skyliner and the line was long and moved quite slowly. It took us 45 minutes to get to Epcot and we walked in right at 8:35. Unfortunately despite EE starting at 8:30 the line was already 55 minutes posted wait time, so we had to PIVOT! (Yes, it might not have actually been that long, but it did throw me off a bit, I was thinking 30 mins maybe!) Nevertheless we were all in better moods this morning.

We walked all the way to Test Track (forget how far it is from IG!) that had a posted 25 minute wait, but it felt more or less like a walk on. DD liked designing her car and thought the ride was OK, but we got to the end and she asked "when is the fast part?" So I guess she is spoiled by good rides by this point!

Also this morning we were all particularly hungry, and since we were now in umm, whatever that part of "Future World" that is called now and not near either France OR Norway bakeries, we had to PIVOT again and go to Connections Cafe aka Starbucks. We all had breakfast sandwiches and DD also got a cake pop because at this point I wanted to be agreeable to her, haha. We also enjoyed some lattes and a vanilla steamed milk for her since it was a bit more chilly that day.

Right outside we waited to meet Daisy and talked to my mom on the phone for a bit. After the kerfuffle this morning I kind of decided we'd just go with the flow after this! Which is good because everything took longer than we expected.


Very cute meeting with Daisy, DD loved it and she's one of my faves too. It was already after ten at this point! One ride in an hour and a half wasn't quite lining up with our previous two days! It generally seemed like today was the busiest day of our trip. Maybe bad park choice, but also maybe the crowds from the race weekend stuck around this one extra day only.

We were keeping our eye on GotG VQ and it was getting closer, so we wanted to stay in the area and DD definitely wanted more rides! So we headed off to Spaceship Earth which had a twenty minute wait already. It ended up being a few minutes shorter, but it's such a boring weaving outdoor line it felt like a long wait and it was still cold this morning! We all wished we had our sweaters again. But the line moved steadily enough that we couldn't stop long for a selfie. Oh yes, this phot reminds me it was windy under there too, hah.

I like this ride a lot, my fave scene is below. DH and DD rode together and DH leaned over at one point to ask her if she was following along and she said "I have no idea what's happening here" so I guess they haven't learned much ancient history yet in Grade 1.
By now we had time for a quick bathroom stop before getting in the VQ for Guardians! Ok, so this was a pretty long wait, about an hour to get into the staging room. The line moved fairly steadily, but there wasn't all that much to look at and the line was deceiving, every time you turned around a wall, hoping it'd be the loading area, only to be met with more queue. Everyone seemed pretty polite when it was time to leave the various rooms and make their way into the line, no one trying to jump ahead too much, so that was nice. I sat next to someone from the ILL and she said they waited about half an hour to that point, so they cut their wait time from ours.

We all LOVED this ride and really wished we could just go back in line and enjoy it again immediately. I was a tiny bit nervous about motion sickness, but I was totally fine and we were all happy screaming and "woo"ing instead of death screaming like Space Mountain...

You can see I'm still smiling in the gift shop, but it might be because of how hard I was trying to not put up a different finger.
And yes, I immediately sanitized my hands after this. And it was noon already! Not the most rides completed this morning, but we were all happy with Guardians. And we were hungry again, this time for lunch! Quick detour through Club Cool to cool down and refresh with some sugar. DD didn't hate the first bit of Beverley, but didn't want to go back for more! I like Beverley ok if I think of it like an Aperol Spritz. I think we liked the raspberry and watermelon flavours best, DH also liked the Dominican one, but it was too banana-y for me!

Fun experience either way! DD is allowed to have pop, but we are usually limiting it in some way, so she was happy to have a free for all here. DD's cute braids lasted half a day, and then she was back to her scruffy hair down preference. Big Louisa fan.

And we made it to MEXICO! DD went right to the Kidcot station.
IMG_2173 (1).jpg
I got a margarita for DH and I to share from Cava del Tequila, oddly no photo... but it was delish! The Wild One - Teremana blanco tequila, mango-passion fruit purée, Ancho Verde chile liqueur, lime juice, applejack and ginger cordial, black ant salt rim $17.00 It wasn't spicy at all if anyone was wondering about the chile liqueur.

We shared so we could finish sooner and head to see the 3 caballeros:
We also did a little shopping and bought a painted dog figurine because it reminded us of our chihuahua.

Then we were definitely hungry, it was about 1:30! We tried to see if there was a table for us as San Angel (it looked like there was a lot of empty tables, but there weren't any available so we headed back into the sun for La Cantina de San Angel. It was really busy here and we got the last available table that was basically in the main entryway to the seating area, so it felt rushed and busy and I didn't get a pic here either, sadly. But DD and I shared the Tacos del Cameron which were very good! Better than I expected by looking at them. The fruit salsa was a good touch, plus the two salsas to choose from were both good, I alternated, couldn't choose a favourite. DD really likes rice and beans and shrimp, so she was happy with that. DH got the Empanadas which you can't go wrong with! Also grabbed a couple lime frozen margaritas here, not bad!

Continued in next post...
Day 3 - Epcot morning part 2

After lunch we decided to make our way out of the park for our afternoon rest and a swim for DD. I had made a reservation for Sci-Fi Dine In at HS that evening at 6:20, so that was our evening plan.

But first we had to make it through Canada (our home country!)... photo op (what kid can resist these?)


And the most shady and relaxing Kidcot in Canada as well! I was just chillin in the shade and sipping the rest of my margarita, so relaxed I didn't snap a pic at all :) DD did some pin trading here as well.

We had to pass through the UK as well, so checked out a few topiaries and stopped at the most formal of all the Kidcots there as well. The CM had a good sense of humour here though!

And we were out! It was 2:45 by this point, the Skyliner line was much shorter, just long enough for DD to trade pins with a teenager in line who was collecting the ice cream bar line and DD was stoked to get a Clarabell with a bell (it was like a cat bell, so if she was wearing her lanyard we could hear if she was following behind us, ha). This was the point where DD realized she was missing a pin though, so she didn't want to wear her lanyard as much. We will get some better pin backs before our next trip so they don't fall off so easily.

Next up, a couple evening hours at HS!
Day 3 - part 3 - evening in HS

We had a longer rest this day, with a beer and a bag of chips in the room, and just a very short dip in the pool for DD, and we watched some more Ratatouille.

We got to HS around 5:15 - it was our first time there this trip and the Skyliner is even better going to HS than Epcot!

We had our eye on wait times and headed right to Star Tours, and rode twice! I am always puzzled why this is such a short wait - it's a great ride and in HS the theming of the ride area is amazing as well (way better than DL where it's in Tomorrowland).


And I always looks for Ewoks here

Then we headed for dinner at Sci-Fi! Again we really liked the calm, quiet atmosphere of the TS for dinner (after our hectic feeling lunch QS). DH and DD took the front seat and I sat alone in the back. It's too bad they didn't make a few 3 across cars (I mean, back in that day the cars were big enough for a middle seat in the front!)


DD had her first mac and cheese of the trip, with a side of corn on the cob. DH had the Bahn Mi Burger - this is the one he said was ok, but bland, and he thought the Pop food court pulled pork sandwich was more flavourful. The fries were good though. I got the Classic American Burger (hold the bacon) with onion ring upgrade. It was good, but a bit dry/needed a bit more of the burger sauce. The onion rings were very good and extra crispy! DH and I both got a beer as well. Orange Blossom Pilsner for him which he liked a lot, and the Floridian Hefeweizen for me which hit the spot, very refreshing! Sadly, as always, too full for dessert, except for this kiddo:

I tried to take some pics of my burger, but they didn't turn out very great. Full and refreshed, it was 7pm. We took a look at the wait times, they were fluctuating a lot at this time of night, ToT was 20 minutes and then it was 45 etc. We decided to head nearby and digest a bit and check out Muppets 3D.
I forgot how entertaining this was, even the pre-show was funny! DD was mesmerized by the 3D, she kept peeking under her glasses to see what was really going on! I took a look at the wait times and we had a bit of time to kill before going to Fantasmic, so we hit up Toy Story Midway Mania with a 20 minute wait. Another fun one that we all enjoy. DD chose to sit with DH so I was alone and man I thought I was doing SO GOOD, of course once we finished DH had still beat me and I was still a beaver, but I was proud never the less.


DD and I were smart enough to bring our sweatshirts this night, well, DH didn't even really pack one, only a sweater, so he wanted to pick something up before we went to Fantasmic. I talked him into a spirit jersey since I love mine, so he went for the black WDW one. From the store we had to MOVE IT to get to Fantasmic on time (yes, we did rush a lot this trip when it came to shows!) It was super busy when we arrived at about 8:20, ten minutes before the show started. There were only seats on both far sides. At first we were being ushered towards the left, then I realized it'd be smarter to sit on the right for exit reasons (I don't know for sure though). But it was still super busy, so we decided to just grab a spot in the very far back bleachers! This was fine, we could see everything well except for some of the very lowest water stuff, and we could still get some peeks, just not full view. The only downside was all the people who started leaving in the last 5 minutes of the show, very annoying! Either commit to watching or don't!

I feel like it was actually better than my crappy photos let on. This was a quicker exit than our night at Epcot, it wasn't too packed leaving Fantasmic and the park (park closed at the same time as Fantasmic ended). And we pretty much walked right onto the Skyliner. This is when we realized you could see Epcot and Magic Kingdom fireworks (9pm start) from the Skyliner, it was awesome! No pics because we were so mesmerized and trying to figure out which was which. A fun way to end the night. We were back in our room super quick as well. We were all sleeping like logs on this trip, comfy beds + exhaustion.

Coming up soon - Hollywood Studios morning with Genie+ (multipark) and a makeup ride evening in Epcot!
It took us 45 minutes to get to Epcot and we walked in right at 8:35. Unfortunately despite EE starting at 8:30 the line was already 55 minutes posted wait time, so we had to PIVOT!

The skyliner line can be nuts in the morning! Also, it seems you have an hour-ish wait for Remy no matter when you ride - you just spend more of it waiting for the park to open than inside the queue if you’re there early for early entry.

I’m sorry Remy didn’t work out but I’m glad Test Track’s line wasn’t too long!

DH leaned over at one point to ask her if she was following along and she said "I have no idea what's happening here" so I guess they haven't learned much ancient history yet in Grade 1.


The line moved fairly steadily, but there wasn't all that much to look at and the line was deceiving, every time you turned around a wall, hoping it'd be the loading area, only to be met with more queue.

The Guardians queue sounds endless. Based on your conversation with the ILL person (and several other reports I’ve read), it seems spending to get ILL may be worth it to reduce your wait time.

You can see I'm still smiling in the gift shop, but it might be because of how hard I was trying to not put up a different finger.


After your long waits and minimal rides that morning, I understand!

We had our eye on wait times and headed right to Star Tours, and rode twice!

I also don’t understand why the wait for Star Tours is so short! The other major headliners must really pull people away (or perhaps more people skip it due to motion sickness issues?). Either way, I’m glad you finally had good luck finding a short line.

Sadly, as always, too full for dessert, except for this kiddo:

That is a wonderful picture! She looks so excited about her sundae!

I forgot how entertaining this was, even the pre-show was funny!

I love the Muppets. I almost love the pre-show more than I love the show itself.

(I mean, look at my avatar picture! :laughing: )

DD chose to sit with DH so I was alone and man I thought I was doing SO GOOD, of course once we finished DH had still beat me and I was still a beaver, but I was proud never the less.

Your score is quite good! It’s actually harder to get a high score as a single rider as both people can work together to unlock additional high value targets. Depending on his score, it’s possible you actually did do a better job but he had the advantage of your daughter riding with him.

This is when we realized you could see Epcot and Magic Kingdom fireworks (9pm start) from the Skyliner, it was awesome!

That’s amazing! What a great way to end your night!
Animal Kingdom day - got a lot done. I always find this park to be the hottest/most humid of all of the parks. I think its all the vegetation that traps the heat in. And I totally feel you about Avatar. To this day, I tell my dad (who made me go see the movie with him when it came out) - that's 3 hours of my life I'm never getting back. Despite that, I love FOP. Although, I'm always worried that my huge calf won't fit in the ride. My friends always tease me because it's usually right before the first prescreen room that I start worrying. And so far, no problems. But hey - us fluffy girls have some worries alright? I also feel you about being crabby. There is something about the busy times with the heat that makes me just not feel it.

Epcot - I never worry about not getting too much done at Epcot. There just aren't that many rides that I like to do so I don't mind a slower pace and just wandering the countries, especially when there is a festival going. But never on a weekend. I will avoid Epcot like the plague on a weekend. I'm actually a little worried about Epcot for my (hopeful) Thanksgiving trip. I love Festival of the Holidays but it doesn't start until Friday (also my last park day). I know it will be busy but it's my only shot. And then Sci Fi. I have such great memories of taking my dad there on New Year's Eve once when I lived down there. He remembers all of those movies and told me about each one.
The skyliner line can be nuts in the morning! Also, it seems you have an hour-ish wait for Remy no matter when you ride - you just spend more of it waiting for the park to open than inside the queue if you’re there early for early entry.
The next day when we went to HS the Skyliner line wasn't half as bad, so it's hard when it's unpredictable. And you're right, you just "pre-wait" if you rope drop.
Your score is quite good! It’s actually harder to get a high score as a single rider as both people can work together to unlock additional high value targets. Depending on his score, it’s possible you actually did do a better job but he had the advantage of your daughter riding with him.
I didn't know that!!! Wish we could have done it twice this trip.

Love your avatar :D
He remembers all of those movies and told me about each one.
Oh wow, I didn't even know they were real movies, thought they were fake for some reason hahaha.
Looks like a good day at Epcot and HS! Seems like your DD had tons of fun with the Kidcot. We’ll have to prioritize it next time!

I’m still laughing at “I have no idea what’s happening here” 🤣 (But honestly, sometimes I feel the same way!)
Day 4 - Part 1 - Hollywood Studios morning

I feel like I'm already starting to forget the trip, so I better power through this report!

This morning the part opened at 8:30 for EE, 9am for regular. I woke up before 7 again so I could get a Slinky Dog Dash LL, not bad, 9:40am! We were able to get up and to the Skyliner by 8:05am this morning, but the line wasn't nearly as long (or slow) as the day before! We were in HS right around 8:30 as EE was starting. The entrance for EE was straight ahead while not EE people were lining up on the far right. We never waited at all at any of the park entrances (this seems better than at DL where we encountered lines to get in each morning, maybe just our "later" timing here got us in after all the line ups).

It was a bit cooler this morning so we all had long sleeves again, and DD brought her baby stitch, that we bought the night before at Pop on our way back in (forgot about that!) She had been wanting the baby Grogu, but then we couldn't find him in the one store we looked for him again so she decided she'd get Stitch instead when Pop also didn't have Grogu. She's happy with it and still sleeping with it every night! He just barely fit into her backpack though.


I honestly didn't expect to get here so early this morning, so I was a bit thrown off with my planning. I thought why not, let's try and get on ROTR since we've never ridden it and it's always such an expensive ILL I can't justify it. We like Star Wars, DD isn't really that into it yet so it's not on her must do list. Anyway, we walked our way back there and of course, it was down, and it didn't show anything in the app. We probably should have ridden a different big ride like Mickey and Minnie, but hindsight!

From there we didn't want to back track, so we went into Toy Story Land and rode Alien Swirling Saucers (walk on).

We took a bathroom break and then rope dropped Woody's Lunchbox for breakfast. The theming of this land is so cute!!!


This is a place I really did my research on. I saw the kids meal was a small portion of breakfast tots, with an extra side of plain tots (!) and a cutie orange, plus a small drink, for $5.99!!! I knew DD would like plain tots, but not the ones with the gravy, so we actually shared this kids meal and a lemon blueberry lunch box tart $4.79. The breakfast bowl was amazing, one of my favourite things I ate this trip. It was super fresh and flavourful, probably because we were there first thing. Also there was tons of seating which I've heard is a bit complaint.

We ate, then explored around a bit, DD didn't want to go too far since she wanted on Slinky Dog as soon as she could. So we watched it go around a few times, watched some people meet Woody and Jessie (line too long) and finished our breakfast drinks.

We scanned in right at 9:35 (5 minutes early) and didn't wait at all to ride. We all liked it, it was a very fun ride! I got to sit with DD this time.

My LL plan for the day was to get a Remy LL for later tonight if at all possible since we hadn't ridden it yet and were planning Epcot as our evening park. So I lucked out and at 9:35ish got an 8pm return time for Remy. However it meant we were a bit stuck for LLs at HS and it was a bit busier than I expected it to be. We should have probably made better use of our first hour, but the food and atmosphere in Toy Story Land was quite enjoyable, so we were all in good moods.

DD wanted to meet some characters! We met Goofy and Max at 10am (10 min wait):


And then Donald and Daisy at 10:18am.

During this line I went looking for a beer for DH and I share (early, I know, vacation, blah blah) it was heating up now and we were thirsty! But Baseline wasn't open yet. ABC Commissary was open, but none of their beers sounded any good, so I ended up getting a watermelon margarita! This was super refreshing and not too fake tasting or sweet like watermelon drinks can be. Thinking now, I don't think any of the drinks we had were ever too sweet, which is pretty impressive considering some of the weird colours we drank!

This was perfect timing for us to walk into the Frozen Sing-a-long show that I had on my must do list! Oh my gosh, it was SO FUNNY! The part about the dead parents, too much! Haha. DD loved it, she got some of the jokes and liked singing along too. Plus the snow at the end was pretty cool.


We were having a relaxing, but fun morning. DD spotted one more character meeting she wanted in on, so we waited for Chip and Dale (with a break) and she had a lemonade and we had a beer now. So we got out of the show at 11 and she was meeting C&D at 11:30.

NOW it was time for a ride. We still had to wait for 11:38 to book a LL, M&M was up and down all morning so we were kind of killing time a bit, so we saw ToT with a 25 minute wait and went for it! It was a bit of a long standby wait outside... DD was a bit nervous about this one, but she had fun walking along the rock wall (ugh, I really didn't want her too, but all the other kids were!) and doing some cartwheels in this open area.

Screenshot 2024-05-08 210733.png

It turns out she was right to be nervous, she really didn't like it! The only ride that scared her. But she wanted to be brave and she was proud she did it, but did not want to do it again.

While we were in line at 11:38 I booked a MMRR LL for 3:45. I kept refreshing it as we waited and got it down to 2:30. We were starting to feel ready to go back for a swim. We were ready for lunch though and I suggested Docking Bay 7 (although it was a bit of a walk).

Cont in next post for pic limit...
We strolled over to Docking Bay 7 and it wasn't very busy so we didn't wait too long to order! DD and I shared the adult Endorian Chicken Tip Yip with Mac and Cheese and Broccoli $16.29. This was cheaper than two kids portions and was plenty for us. DD actually really liked everything and came back for more from my plate. It was more food than it looks like here! DH had the Roasted Endorian Chicken Salad which he liked and said was like a greek salad.

we enjoyed our meal it, it was quiet in this section to the left of where you pick up your food, and dimmed lights (so dim my photo is blurry apparently) and subtle music and really good AC made for another fairly relaxing QS meal! Two in this day, woohoo.

Two disappointments: someone saving THREE tables, and also they don't have the black caf coffee here, you need to go next door, so I didn't end up having one because I neither wanted to go while my food got cold, nor did I want to chug it afterwards since we were headed right to MMRR because I refreshed again and got the return time down to 1:30!! My big win for the day.

I did like the Great Movie Ride and do kind of miss it a bit, but it also might not hold up anymore! Mickey and Minnie was quite cute though!! I like this new ride technology, trackless.

After this it was 1:40 and we were heading out of the park! We didn't find the cotton candy where it was before, and I worried DD might be overly upset, but thankfully as we walked out of the park there was some at the little snack store at the exit! Happy girl below:


We were on the skyliner at 2 heading back to Pop for a rest and a swim again!

Coming up, back to Epcot for the evening for a few rides and a lil bit of Flower and Garden!
I woke up before 7 again so I could get a Slinky Dog Dash LL, not bad, 9:40am!

That’s an excellent return time for Slinky Dog! Good for you!

The breakfast bowl was amazing, one of my favourite things I ate this trip.

I’m really looking forward to trying those breakfast tots! I’m also considering the kid’s portion as I don’t want a huge bowl and the additions (extra tots and an orange) seem like great additions for that price.

Did you do mobile order for this and Docking Bay 7 or did you just walk up and order?

This was perfect timing for us to walk into the Frozen Sing-a-long show that I had on my must do list! Oh my gosh, it was SO FUNNY!

The Frozen Sing Along is EXCELLENT. I was surprised how much I loved it the first time I saw it. The narrators really make the show!

Two disappointments: someone saving THREE tables, and also they don't have the black caf coffee here, you need to go next door, so I didn't end up having one because I neither wanted to go while my food got cold, nor did I want to chug it afterwards since we were headed right to MMRR because I refreshed again and got the return time down to 1:30!! My big win for the day.

I’d love to try that Black Caf coffee - it’s too bad you missed out.

But good for you on finding a better time for MMRR! It looks like such a cute ride.
You had a great morning in Studios! And that breakfast from Woody's lunchbox looked delicious. That's one of the places I haven't eaten yet. Guess I should put it on my list.
Did you do mobile order for this and Docking Bay 7 or did you just walk up and order?
Both we just walked up, no wait
I’d love to try that Black Caf coffee - it’s too bad you missed out.
I've had it at Disneyland and loved it!
You had a great morning in Studios! And that breakfast from Woody's lunchbox looked delicious. That's one of the places I haven't eaten yet. Guess I should put it on my list.
I would definitely recommend it if it sounds good to you!
Great morning at HS! That was an excellent return time for Slinky, and nice work with modify to get earlier times for MMRR!

I’ve heard lots of positive things about Woody’s Lunchbox so I’m putting that on my “must hit” list for next time.
What a nice morning in HS! Those tots are on my list for next trip. I liked the GMR but MMRR is up there as a favorite of mine too. I think it’s so cute and fun.

If we RD we also take midday breaks and even as adults my kids still want and need to do them. I do too. It’s a nice pick me up to go the rest of the evening.


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